This paper examines the status of nominal projections in Bangla from the point of view of Bošković’s (2008, 2009) generalizations on NP vs. DP languages, and argues that although Bangla is an article-less language, it is not an NP language and projects a range of functional categories above NP, including a DP level. Such a conclusion is shown to have an important consequence for cross-linguistic assumptions relating to the phasal architecture of nominal projections, building on work on nominal-internal phases initiated in Simpson and Syed (2016): it is suggested that the extended projection of noun phrases may contain two separate phases, in a way that resembles the occurrence of two phasal levels within clauses.
Bangla, phases, NP vs. DP languages, nominal and clausal domain, NP/DP parameter
How to Cite
Syed, S. & Simpson, A., (2017) “On the DP/NP status of nominal projections in Bangla: Consequences for the theory of phases”, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2(1): 68. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.186