1 Introduction
The strategy used for forming polar questions varies across languages. For instance, in languages like English, polar questions are formed using a raising intonation (marked as ↑) and subject-auxiliary inversion, as illustrated in (1). In contrast, in other languages, polar questions are formed using an interrogative particle. Japanese is an example of such a language. As shown in example (2), polar questions can be formed using the interrogative particle ka.
- (1)
- Are you leaving ↑ ?
- (2)
- Japanese (Uegaki 2018)
- Hanako-ga
- Hanako-nom
- hashitta-ka?
- ran-ka
- ‘Did Hanako ran?’
Two main types of interrogative particles have been studied in the semantic literature: (i) particles like Japanese -ka (2) (Kuroda 1965; Hagstrom 1998; Uegaki 2018: a.o.), which can occur in interrogatives and can also form disjunctions and/or indefinites in declaratives (see Slade (2011) for a detailed discussion of some languages with this type of particles), and (ii) particles like Hindi-Urdu kya: (Biezma & Butt & Jabeen 2018; Bhatt & Dayal 2020), which are restricted to interrogatives (3).
- (3)
- Hindi-Urdu (Bhatt & Dayal 2020)
- kya:
- kya
- Anu=ne
- Anu=erg
- Uma=ko
- Uma=acc
- kita:b
- book.f
- [di:]↑?
- give.pfv.f
- ‘Did Anu give a/the book to Uma?’
This paper focuses on another type of particles restricted to interrogatives, which I call polar interrogative particles (PolQPs).1 I show that PolQPs differ from particles like Hindi-Urdu kya: in several respects: (i) they are mandatory in polar and alternative questions, (ii) they can be embedded under all kinds of question-embedding predicates, and (iii) they cannot function as the wh-word meaning ‘what’ in wh-questions. Two instances of PolQPs in two unrelated languages are investigated in this paper: the Finnish interrogative particle -kO (4a) and the Turkish interrogative particle mI (4b). The empirical goal is to identify the signature properties of PolQPs in order to provide a typology of interrogative particles cross-linguistically. To achieve this goal, I review some data discussed in previous literature (Holmberg et al. 1993; Holmberg 2003; Holmberg 2014 on Finnish -kO; Kamali 2011; Atlamaz 2015; Özyıldız 2015; Kamali & Krifka 2020 on Turkish mI) and clarify some of them by means of novel diagnostics in order to confirm that they constitute characteristic properties of PolQPs. Furthermore, I provide new empirical evidence in favor of additional characteristic properties of these particles. Taken together, these data show that we need to draw a distinction between (at least) three types of interrogative particles cross-linguistically: (i) particles like Japanese ka, (ii) particles like Hindi-Urdu kya:, and (iii) PolQPs. Unless otherwise indicated, the data presented in this paper have been collected through elicitation sessions with one Finnish native speaker and three Turkish native speakers.
- (4)
- a.
- Finnish
- Lähti-kö
- left-PolQP
- Mari?
- Mari
- ‘Did Mari leave?’
- b.
- Turkish
- Oya
- Oya
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- mı
- PolQP
- öp-tü?
- kiss-pst
- ‘Did Oya kiss Dilara?’
On the theoretical side, building on Atlamaz (2015) and Kamali & Krifka (2020) I develop a full-fledged semantic analysis of PolQPs and a compositional account of the polar questions where they occur. Specifically, I propose that PolQPs are focus markers which are interpreted within the proposition out of which a question is formed. These particles carry an interrogative feature which must agree with an interrogative C[+Q] head. The focus alternatives triggered by the constituent they combine with project all the way to the interrogative C[+Q] head. In Finnish and Turkish (and in any other languages with such interrogative particle), C[+Q] is a focus operator which triggers an existential presupposition. I show that in addition to capturing the characteristic properties of PolQPs, this analysis accounts for two novel phenomena observed in Turkish polar questions (i.e., interaction between PolQPs and quantifiers, and intervention effects). The proposed account allows us to address core questions in two major research areas in semantics: namely, presuppositions and alternatives. Specifically, this paper contributes to a better understanding of the source of presuppositions in questions and their projection behavior. And as far as alternatives are concerned, it offers a compositional way to combine two types of alternatives (namely, focus alternatives and question alternatives) with the interrogative C[+Q] head, thus contributing to a better understanding of the interaction between different sets of alternatives more generally.
Even though PolQPs have received some attention in the syntactic literature (see Holmberg et al. 1993, Holmberg 2003, and Holmberg 2014 on Finnish -kO, and Kamali 2011 and Özyıldız 2015 on Turkish mI), not much is known about their semantics and the way they compose with other elements in the questions in which they occur. Recent work that contributes to a better understanding of the meaning of the Turkish interrogative particle is Atlamaz (2015) and Kamali & Krifka (2020). Part of the contribution of the current paper is parallel to theirs as the set of data these studies are based on overlap (especially some data from Turkish). Nevertheless, these work also complement each other given that a large part of them is distinct: e.g., the proposed accounts differ and the papers are part of fundamentally distinct projects. For instance, while Kamali & Krifka’s (2020) goal is to develop a theory of focus and contrastive topics in both questions and assertion, the current paper constitutes a first step toward the establishment of a typology of interrogative particles cross-linguistically and a theory of these particles.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 establishes the signature properties of PolQPs, and shows how these particles differ from the two other types of interrogative particles previously studied in the semantic literature, namely, particles like Japanese ka and particles like Hindi-Urdu kya:. Section 3 provides a semantic analysis of PolQPs and of the questions where they occur. In Section 4, I demonstrate how the proposed account captures the signature properties of these particles. Section 5 extends the analysis to two previously unnoticed phenomena in Turkish polar questions. And finally, Section 6 concludes.
2 A typology of interrogative particles
This section shows that PolQPs differ from particles like Japanese ka and particles like Hindi-Urdu kya:. In doing so, it establishes the signature properties of PolQPs using Finnish -kO and Turkish mI as examples. Data discussed in this section come from previous literature when specified (Holmberg et al. 1993, Holmberg 2003, and Holmberg 2014 on Finnish -kO; Kamali 2011, Atlamaz 2015, Özyıldız 2015 and Kamali & Krifka 2020 on Turkish mI) and from elicitation sessions with one Finnish native speaker and three Turkish native speakers.
2.1 PolQPs are mandatory
The first major difference between PolQPs and particles like Japanese ka and Hindi-Urdu kya: is that in contrast to the latter, PolQPs are mandatory (see Holmberg 2014 on Finnish -kO and Kamali & Krifka 2020 on Turkish mI and references therein). Example (5) shows that in Japanese and in Hindi-Urdu, the particles ka and kya: are optional in a question. In contrast, example (6) shows that when in Finnish and Turkish, the particles -kO and mI are not realized, the resulting polar questions are not well-formed.
- (5)
- a.
- Japanese
- Hanako-wa
- Hanako-top
- hashitta↑?
- ran
- ‘Did Hanako run?’
- b.
- Hindi-Urdu (Bhatt & Dayal 2020)
- Anu=ne
- Anu=erg
- Uma=ko
- Uma=acc
- kita:b
- book.f
- [di:]↑?
- give.pfv.f
- ‘Did Anu give a/the book to Uma?’
- (6)
- a.
- Finnish
- *Lähti
- left
- Mari?
- Mari
- (Int.) ‘Did Mari leave?’
- b.
- Turkish
- *Oya
- Oya
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- öp-tü?
- kiss-pst
- (Int.) ‘Did Oya kiss Dilara?’
2.2 PolQPs are restricted to polar and alternative questions
As mentioned in the introduction, particles like Japanese ka can also form disjunctions and/or indefinites in declaratives. This is not a property shared by particles like Hindi-Urdu kya: and PolQPs, which are all restricted to interrogatives.2
As far as their occurrence in interrogatives is concerned, the three types of particles can appear in polar and alternative questions. This is illustrated in example (7) for Japanese ka, in example (8) for Hindi-Urdu kya: and in examples (9) and (10) for PolQPs (see Holmberg 2014, a.o., on Finnish -kO; and Kamali 2011, Atlamaz 2015, Özyıldız 2015 and Kamali & Krifka 2020 on Turkish mI for further examples)
- (7)
- Japanese (Uegaki 2018)
- a.
- Hanako-ga
- Hanako-nom
- hashitta-ka?
- ran-ka
- ‘Did Hanako ran?’ ✔Polar Q
- b.
- Hanakotion-ga
- Hanako-nom
- hashitta-ka
- ran-ka
- Jiro-ga
- Jiro-nom
- hashitta-ka
- ran-ka
- (oshiete).
- tell
- ‘(Tell me) which is true: Hanako ran or Jiro ran?’ ✔Alternative Q
- (8)
- Hindi-Urdu (Bhatt & Dayal 2020)
- a.
- kya:
- kya
- Anu=ne
- Anu=erg
- Uma=ko
- Uma=acc
- kita:b
- book.f
- [di:]↑?
- give.pfv.f
- ‘Did Anu give a/the book to Uma?’ ✔Polar Q
- b.
- kya:
- kya
- tum
- you
- ca:i
- tea
- pi-yoge↑
- drink-fut.2mpl
- ya:
- or
- coffee?
- coffee
- ‘Will you drink tea or coffee?’ ✔Alternative Q
- (9)
- Finnish
- a.
- Lähti-kö
- left-PolQP
- Mari?
- Mari
- ‘Did Mari leave?’ ✔Polar Q
- b.
- Lähti-kö
- left-PolQP
- Mari
- Mari
- vai
- or
- Pekka?
- Pekka
- ‘Did Mari leave or did Pekka leave?’ ✔Alternative Q
- (10)
- Turkish
- a.
- Oya
- Oya
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- mı
- PolQP
- öptü?
- kiss.pst
- ‘Did Oya kiss Dilara?’ ✔Polar Q
- b.
- Oya
- Oya
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- mı
- PolQP
- öp-tü
- kiss-pst
- (yoksa)
- or
- Ali’yi
- Ali-acc
- mi?
- PolQP
- ‘Did Oya kiss Dilara or did she kiss Ali?’ ✔Alternative Q
Just like in polar questions, the use of PolQPs is mandatory in alternative questions. In Turkish, both instances of mI are obligatory.
- (11)
- a.
- Finnish
- *Lähti
- left
- Mari
- Mari
- vai
- or
- Pekka?
- Pekka
- (Int.) ‘Did Mari leave or did Pekka leave?’
- b.
- Turkish
- *Oya
- Oya
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- öp-tü
- kiss-pst
- (yoksa)
- or
- Ali’yi?
- Ali-acc
- (Int.) ‘Did Oya kiss Dilara or did she kiss Ali?’
Particles like Japanese ka and PolQPs also differ in their ability to participate in the formation of wh-questions. While Japanese ka can participate in the formation of these questions (12), PolQPs cannot (see Kamali & Krifka (2020) on Turkish mI) as illustrated in (13).3
- (12)
- Japanese (Uegaki 2018)
- Dare-ga
- who-nom
- hashitta-ka
- ran-ka
- (oshiete).
- tell
- ‘(Tell me) who ran?’
- (13)
- a.
- Finnish
- *Kuka-ko
- who-PolQP
- lähti?
- left
- (Int.) ‘Who left?’
- b.
- Turkish
- *Kim
- who
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- mı
- PolQP
- öp-tü?
- kiss-pst
- (Int.) ‘Who kissed Dilara?’
As for Hindi-Urdu kya:, while it does not occur in who-questions, it participates in the formation of what-questions (Biezma & Butt & Jabeen 2018; Bhatt & Dayal 2020). Specifically, it functions as the wh-word meaning ‘what’, as shown in (14).
- (14)
- Hindi-Urdu (Bhatt & Dayal 2020)
- Anu=ne
- Anu=erg
- Uma=ko
- Uma=acc
- kya:
- what
- [diya:]↓?
- give.pfv
- ‘What did Anu give to Uma?’
Biezma & Butt & Jabeen (2018) have shown that kya: used as an interrogative particle in polar and alternative questions and kya: used as a wh-word do not share the same prosody. Based on this, previous studies investigating this particle have focused on its use in polar and alternative questions (Biezma & Butt & Jabeen 2018; Bhatt & Dayal 2020). As mentioned by Bhatt & Dayal (2020) however, it might be that the two instances of kya: are accidentally homophonous or that these two have a deeper connection – especially in light of the fact that other languages with presumably the same type of interrogative particles like Bangla and Odia (Syed & Dash 2017), and Italian and Slovenian (Bhatt & Dayal 2020), show the same homophony. This issue which requires further research would deserve a paper on its own. What is important for the current discussion is that PolQPs – in contrast to particles like Hindi-Urdu kya: – cannot act as the wh-word meaning ‘what’ in wh-questions.
2.3 PolQPs can be embedded
Another difference between Hindi-Urdu kya: and PolQPs concerns their ability to be embedded. Specifically, while kya: can only be embedded under a subset of question-embedding predicates, PolQPs do not show the same restrictions. For instance, example (15) shows that kya: can be embedded under the rogative predicate pu:ch ‘ask’, but cannot be embedded under the responsive predicate ja:n ‘know’.4
- (15)
- Hindi-Urdu (Bhatt & Dayal 2020)
- a.
- Ṭi:car=ne
- teacher=erg
- Anu=se
- Anu=from
- pu:ch-a:
- ask-pfv
- [ki
- that
- kya:
- kya
- vo
- s/he
- ca:i
- tea
- piyegi:].
- drink.fut.3fsg
- ‘The teacher asked Anu whether she would drink tea.’
- b.
- *Anu
- Anu.f
- ja:n-ti:
- know.hab.f
- hai
- be.prs.sg
- [ki
- that
- kya:
- kya
- tum
- you
- ca:i
- tea
- piyoge].
- drink.fut.2mpl
- (Int.) ‘Anu knows whether you will drink tea.’
In contrast, PolQPs can be embedded under both kinds of question-embedding predicates, as illustrated in (16) and (17) for Finnish and Turkish respectively.5
- (16)
- Finnish
- a.
- Jenna
- Jenna
- kysyi
- asked
- [on-ko
- is-PolQP
- huomenna
- tomorrow
- hyvä
- good
- sää].
- weather
- ‘Jenna asked whether tomorrow’s weather will be nice.’
- b.
- Jenna
- Jenna
- tietää
- knows
- [on-ko
- is-PolQP
- huomenna
- tomorrow
- hyvä
- good
- sää].
- weather
- ‘Jenna knows whether tomorrow’s weather will be nice.’
- (17)
- Turkish
- a.
- Ali
- Ali
- [Oya
- Oya
- Sessizev’i
- Sessizev-acc
- mi
- PolQP
- al-dı]
- buy-pst
- merak ediyor.
- wonder
- ‘Ali wonders whether Oya bought Sessizev.’
- b.
- Ali
- Ali
- [Oya
- Oya
- Sessizev’i
- Sessizev-acc
- mi
- PolQP
- al-dı]
- buy-pst
- biliyor.
- know
- ‘Ali knows whether Oya bought Sessizev.’
As far as embedding is concerned, PolPQs resemble particles like Japanese ka which can be embedded under both rogative and responsive predicates as well.
- (18)
- Japanese
- a.
- Hanako-wa
- Hanako-top
- [Jiro-ga
- Jiro-nom
- hashitta-ka]
- ran-ka
- kiita.
- asked
- ‘Hanako asked whether Jiro ran.’
- b.
- Hanako-wa
- Hanako-top
- [Jiro-ga
- Jiro-nom
- hashitta-ka]
- ran-ka
- shitteiru.
- know
- ‘Hanako knows whether Jiro ran.’
2.4 PolQPs are focus-sensitive
To my knowledge, interrogative particles like Japanese ka have not been claimed to show focus-sensitivity. In contrast, Biezma & Butt & Jabeen (2018) and Bhatt & Dayal (2020) show that the interrogative particle kya: is focus-sensitive and can associate with material to its right. As illustrated in example (19), only expressions that follow kya: can be negated and thus targeted for correction. For further evidence in favor of the focus-sensitivity of kya:, I refer the reader to Biezma & Butt & Jabeen (2018) and Bhatt & Dayal (2020).
- (19)
- Hindi-Urdu (Bhatt & Dayal 2020)
- Ram=ne
- Ram=erg
- Sita=ko
- Sita-dat
- kya:
- kya
- kal
- yesterday
- kita:b
- book.f
- di:
- give.pfv.f
- thi:?
- be.pst.f
- ‘Had Ram given a/the book to Sita yesterday?’
- a.
- #Nahĩ:,
- neg
- Shyam-ne
- Shyam=erg
- di:
- give.pfv.f
- thi:.
- be.pst.f
- ‘No, Shyam did.’
- b.
- Nahĩ:,
- neg
- parsõ
- day.before.yesterday
- di:
- give.pfv.f
- thi:.
- be.pst.f
- ‘No, the day before yesterday.’
- c.
- Nahĩ:,
- neg
- magazine
- magazine
- di:
- give.pfv.f
- thi:.
- be.pst.f
- ‘No, he gave her a magazine yesterday.’
Similarly, PolQPs have been shown to be focus-sensitive (Holmberg 2014; Kamali 2011; Atlamaz 2015; Kamali & Krifka 2020, a.o.). In all the Finnish and Turkish examples discussed up to now, PolQP -kO attached to the predicate, and PolQP mI occurred right after the object – these constitute the unmarked case. However, the distribution of these particles is more flexible than what these previous examples suggest. Specifically, Finnish -kO can attach to other elements in the question, as in (20), as can Turkish mI (21). In both languages, varying the position of the interrogative particle affects the interpretation of the question.
- (20)
- Finnish
- Mari-ko
- Mari-PolQP
- lähti?
- left
- ‘Was it Mari who left?’
- (21)
- Turkish
- Oya
- Oya
- (mı)
- PolQP
- Sessizev’i
- Sessizev-acc
- (mi)
- PolQP
- al-dı
- buy-pst
- (mı)?
- PolQP
In what follows, I adapt Bhatt & Dayal’s (2020) diagnostics to Finnish and Turkish to show that the two PolQPs usually associate with the constituent they follow. For a discussion of other kinds of focused expressions (e.g., verbs, adjectives) or more complex constituents focused (e.g., PPs, VPs) whereby PolQPs can associate with a constituent that contains a focused expression (see Section 4.2), I refer the reader to Holmberg (2014) for Finnish -kO and Kamali (2011) and Özyıldız (2015) for Turkish mI. The first diagnostic is about the formation of alternative questions. Examples (22)–(25) show that alternative questions can only be formed on phrases that precede PolQPs -kO and mI, wether the interrogative particles follow the subject of the question, the object or the adverb.
As of now, I will add brackets to the examples to highlight the interrogative particle and the constituent it associates with.
- (22)
- Finnish
- [
- Zoe-ko
- Zoe-PolQP
- ]
- osti
- buy.pst
- eilen
- yesterday
- uuden
- new
- pyörän
- bike
- …
- …
- ‘Is it Zoe who bought a new bike yesterday …
- a.
- vai
- or
- Lou?
- Lou
- ‘or is it Lou?’
- b.
- #vai
- or
- kirjan?
- book
- c.
- #vai
- or
- toissapäivänä?
- day.before.yesterday
- d.
- #vai
- or
- vuokrasi?
- sell-pst
- (23)
- Finnish
- [
- Pyörän-kö
- bike-PolQP
- ]
- Zoe
- Zoe
- osti
- buy.pst
- eilen
- yesterday
- …
- …
- ‘Is it a bike that Zoe bought yesterday …
- a.
- #vai
- or
- Lou?
- Lou
- b.
- vai
- or
- kirjan?
- book
- ‘or is it a book?’
- c.
- #vai
- or
- toissapäivänä?
- the.day.before.yesterday
- d.
- #vai
- or
- vuokrasi?
- sell.pst
- (24)
- Turkish
- [
- Oya
- Oya
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- dün
- yesterday
- yeni
- new
- bir
- one
- bisiklet
- bike
- al-dı
- buy-pst
- …
- ‘Is it Oya who bought a new bike yesterday …
- a.
- Ali
- Ali
- mi?
- PolQP
- ‘or is it Ali?’
- b.
- #önceki
- before
- gün
- day
- mü?
- PolQP
- c.
- #kitap
- book
- mı?
- PolQP
- d.
- #sat-tı
- sell-pst
- mı?
- PolQP
- (25)
- Turkish
- Oya
- Oya
- [
- dün
- yesterday
- mü
- PolQP
- ]
- yeni
- new
- bir
- one
- bisiklet
- bike
- al-dı
- buy-pst
- …
- ‘Is it yesterday that Oya bought a new bike …
- a.
- #Ali
- Ali
- mi?
- PolQP
- b.
- önceki
- before
- gün
- day
- mü?
- PolQP
- ‘or is it the day before?’
- c.
- #kitap
- book
- mı?
- PolQP
- d.
- #sat-tı
- sell-pst
- mı?
- PolQP
The second diagnostic is about negative responses. Examples (26)-(29) show that expressions that precede PolQPs are the only ones that can be negated and thus targeted for correction in both Finnish and Turkish. Again, this is the case whether the interrogative particles follow the subject of the question, the object or the adverb.
- (26)
- Finnish
- [
- Zoe-ko
- Zoe-PolQP
- ]
- osti
- buy.pst
- eilen
- yesterday
- uuden
- new
- pyörän?
- bike
- ‘Is it Zoe who bought a new bike yesterday?’
- a.
- Ei,
- no,
- vaan
- but
- Lou.
- Lou
- ‘No, it is Lou.’
- b.
- #Ei,
- no
- vaan
- but
- kirjan.
- book
- c.
- #Ei,
- no
- vaan
- but
- toissapäivänä.
- day.before.yesterday
- d.
- #Ei,
- no
- vaan
- but
- vuokrasi.
- sell-pst
- (27)
- Finnish
- [
- Pyörän-kö
- bike-PolQP
- ]
- Zoe
- Zoe
- osti
- buy.pst
- eilen?
- yesterday
- ‘Is it a bike that Zoe bought yesterday?’
- a.
- #Ei,
- no,
- vaan
- but
- Lou.
- Lou
- b.
- Ei,
- no
- vaan
- but
- kirjan.
- book
- ‘No, it is a book.’
- c.
- #Ei,
- no
- vaan
- but
- toissapäivänä.
- day.before.yesterday
- d.
- #Ei,
- no
- vaan
- but
- vuokrasi.
- sell-pst
- (28)
- Turkish
- [
- Oya
- Oya
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- dün
- yesterday
- yeni
- new
- bir
- one
- bisiklet
- bike
- al-dı?
- buy-pst
- ‘Is it Oya who bought a new bike yesterday?’
- a.
- Hayır,
- no
- Ali
- Ali
- (al-dı).
- buy-pst
- ‘No, it is Ali.’
- b.
- #Hayır,
- no
- önceki
- before
- gün.
- day
- c.
- #Hayır,
- no
- kitap.
- book
- d.
- #Hayır,
- no
- sat-tı.
- sell-pst
- (29)
- Turkish
- Oya
- Oya
- [
- dün
- yesterday
- mü
- PolQP
- ]
- yeni
- new
- bir
- one
- bisiklet
- bike
- al-di?
- buy-pst
- ‘Is it yesterday that Oya bought a new bike?’
- a.
- #Hayır,
- no
- Ali
- Ali
- (al-dı).
- buy-pst
- b.
- Hayır,
- no
- önceki
- before
- gün.
- day
- ‘No, it is the day before.’
- c.
- #Hayır,
- no
- kitap.
- book
- d.
- #Hayır,
- no
- sat-tı.
- sell-pst
2.5 Presence of an existential presupposition
With this section ends our discussion of the characteristic properties of PolQPs and of the questions where they occur. Polar questions involving PolQPs differ from polar questions in languages like English for instance – and to my knowledge, from polar questions in languages like Japanese – in that they come with an existential presupposition (see e.g. Atlamaz 2015 on Turkish). For instance, the questions in (30) and (31), in Finnish and Turkish respectively, both presuppose that someone left.6
- (30)
- Finnish
- a.
- [
- Mari-ko
- Mari-PolQP
- ]
- lähti?
- left
- ‘Was it Mari who left?’
- b.
- Presupposes: Someone left.
- (31)
- Turkish
- a.
- [
- Oya
- Oya
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- ayrıl-dı?
- leave-pst
- ‘Was it Oya who left?’
- b.
- Presupposes: Someone left.
Although to my knowledge it has not been discussed explicitly in previous literature, some polar questions involving Hindi-Urdu kya: seem to come with an existential presupposition as well. For instance, example (32) suggests that the two questions in (a) and (b) differ in the presuppositions they come with. The first question is unfelicitous in the given context because its presupposition (i.e., there is something that John gave to Amra) is not satisfied, whereas the second question is felicitous because its presupposition (i.e., there is someone whom John gave a toy to) is satisfied. Whether polar questions involving particles like Hindi-Urdu kya: indeed come with an existential presupposition will need to be carefully investigated in future work.
- (32)
- Hindi-Urdu (Biezma & Butt & Jabeen 2018)
- Context: I know that John gave a toy to someone.
- a.
- #Jon=ne
- John=erg
- amra=ko
- Amra=dat
- kya:
- kya
- khılona
- toy.m.sg.nom
- di-ya?
- give-perf.m.sg
- ‘Did John give a toy to Amra?’
- b.
- Jon=ne
- John=erg
- kya:
- kya
- amra=ko
- Amra=dat
- khılona
- toy.m.sg.nom
- di-ya?
- give-perf.m.sg
- ‘Did John give a toy to Amra?’
In what follows, I adapt some well-known tests to diagnose the presence of the existential presupposition in polar questions involving PolQPs. First, when the speaker does not take for granted that someone left, the two polar questions given above are unfelicitous, as shown in (33) and (34). This provides evidence in favor of the presence of a presupposition of the form ‘Someone left.’.
- (33)
- Finnish
- I don’t know whether someone left there.
- #[
- Mari-ko
- Mari-PolQP
- ]
- sinne
- there
- lähti?
- leave.pst
- ‘Was it Mari who left there?’
- (34)
- Turkish
- I don’t know whether someone left.
- #[
- Oya
- Oya
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- ayrıl-dı?
- leave-pst
- ‘Was it Oya who left?’
Another well-known diagnostic for presuppositions is the ‘Hey, wait a minute’ test. von Fintel (2004) claims that if a sentence S presupposes P, one can respond ‘Hey, wait a minute. I didn’t know that P.’ In examples (35) and (36), I adapt this test to Finnish and Turkish respectively. These examples show that the two polar questions come with an existential presupposition of the form ‘Someone left.’ and ‘Someone kissed Dilara.’ respectively.
- (35)
- Finnish
- a.
- [
- Mari-ko
- Mari-PolQP
- ]
- sinne
- there
- lähti?
- leave.pst
- ‘Was it Mari who left there?’
- b.
- Odotapas
- wait.imp
- hetki.
- moment
- Minä
- I
- en
- neg
- edes
- even
- tiennyt
- know
- että
- that
- joku
- someone
- lähti
- leave.pst
- sinne.
- there
- ‘Wait a moment. I did not even know that someone left there.’
- (36)
- Turkish
- a.
- [
- Oya
- Oya
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- öp-tü?
- kiss-pst
- ‘Was it Oya who kissed Dilara?’
- b.
- Bi
- one
- saniye
- sec
- bi
- one
- saniye,
- sec
- birisi-nin
- someone-gen
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- öp-tüğ-ü-nden
- kiss-vn-3s.poss-abl
- haber-im
- news-1s.poss
- yok-tu.
- not.exist.pst
- ‘Wait a second, I had no idea that someone had kissed Dilara.’
To sum up, I have shown in this section that the differences between particles like Japanese ka and PolQPs are the following:
Unlike ka, PolQPs are mandatory;
Unlike ka, PolQPs are restricted to interrogatives;
Unlike ka, PolQPs cannot participate in the formation of wh-questions;
Unlike ka, PolQPs are focus-sensitive;
Unlike polar questions involving ka, polar questions involving PolQPs come with an existential presupposition.
And the differences between particles like Hindi-Urdu kya: and PolQPs are the following:
Unlike kya:, PolQPs are mandatory;
Unlike kya:, PolQPs cannot function as the wh-word meaning ‘what’ in a wh-question;
Unlike kya:, PolQPs can be embedded under all kinds of question-embedding predicates.
Table 1 summarizes the uses of the three types of interrogative particles. As illustrated in this table, Finnish -kO and Turkish mI pattern alike.
Drawing from data found in previous literature as well as novel data in Finnish and Turkish, I have established in this section the signature properties of PolQPs. I have further shown that PolQPs differ from interrogative particles well-studied in the semantic literature, and thus that we need to draw a distinction between (at least) three types of interrogative particles cross-linguistically: (i) particles like Japanese ka, (ii) particles like Hindi-Urdu kya:, and (iii) PolQPs. Although I limited my discussion to Finnish -kO and Turkish mI, PolQPs are presumably more widely spread across languages than one may have previously thought. For instance, other possible candidates are Bulgarian li (Rudin 2012), Quechua chu (Juan Carlos Romero Ventura, p.c.) and Russian li (King 1993 and references therein, Lena Borise, p.c.).7 To determine whether these particles are truly PolQPs or rather belong to the second type of interrogative particles, further work is required.
Characteristic uses of the three types of interrogative particles.
Japanese | Hindi-Urdu | Finnish | Turkish | |
Mandatory | no | no | yes | yes |
Q only ? | no | yes | yes | yes |
Polar Q | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Alternative Q | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Wh-Q | yes | sometimes | no | no |
Embedded Q | yes | sometimes | yes | yes |
Focus-sensitivity | no | yes | yes | yes |
∃-presupposition | no | yes? | yes | yes |
3 A multi-dimensional analysis of PolQPs-questions
This section presents my proposal for questions containing PolQPs (henceforth PolQPs-questions) which involves the following ingredients:
PolQPs are cross-categorial particles which can attach to any constituent in the structure;
PolQPs are focus markers interpreted within the proposition out of which the question is formed;
The focus alternatives triggered by the constituent PolQPs combine with project all the way up to the interrogative C[+Q] head;
In languages with PolQPs, the interrogative C[+Q] head is a focus operator which triggers an existential presupposition.
3.1 A baseline semantics for polar questions
There are two main approaches to the semantics of questions which differ with respect to what a question denotes. On the approach adopted in this paper, questions denote a set of propositions (Hamblin 1973; Karttunen 1977). As far as polar questions are concerned, it has been argued in the past decade that these questions do not denote a set containing both of their possible answers, but rather denote a singleton set which only contains the proposition out of which the question is formed (Biezma & Rawlins 2012; Roberts 2012; Roelofsen & Farkas 2015: a.o.). Empirical arguments in favor of such an analysis come from the distinct behavior of polar questions and alternative questions, biased polar questions, the interpretation of response particles, among others. On this proposal, the polar question in (37) can be analyzed as in (38). That is, it denotes the singleton set which contains the proposition that Zoe left.
- (37)
- Did Zoe leave?
- (38)
- a.
- [CP C[+Q] [TP Zoe left ] ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧ = λw.leftw(z)
- c.
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧ = λq⟨s,t⟩.λp⟨s,t⟩.p = q
- d.
- ⟦ CP ⟧ = λp⟨s,t⟩.p = λw.leftw(z)
The question whether polar questions denote singleton sets or sets containing both of their possible answers is outside the scope of this paper. For the sake of consistency with the recent literature on polar questions, I adopt the singleton analysis. However, my proposal for questions involving PolQPs which will be presented in the next section does not rely on this analysis.
As is well-known, presuppositions triggered within declaratives survive in polar questions. That is, the polar question in (39a), just like the declarative Zoe brought the cake., presupposes that there is a unique contextually relevant cake. To capture the projection of presuppositions in polar questions, I adopt Guerzoni’s (2003) proposal according to which the interrogative C[+Q] head denotes a function that inherits the definedness conditions of its argument. The new interrogative C[+Q] head is defined in (40c). Once we combine C[+Q] with the proposition in (40b), we obtain the interpretation in (40d) for the question in (39a). This question as a whole presupposes that there is exactly one contextually relevant cake. We thus derive the presupposition given in (39b) that this question comes with.
- (39)
- a.
- Did Zoe bring the cake?
- b.
- Presupposition: There is a unique (contextually relevant) cake.
- (40)
- a.
- [CP C[+Q] [TP Zoe brought the cake ] ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧ = λw: ∃!x[cakew(x)].broughtw(ιx :cakew(x))(z)
- c.
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧ = λq.λw : w ∈ dom(q).λp.p = q
- d.
- ⟦ CP ⟧ = λw: ∃!x[cakew(x)].
- λp.p = λw: ∃!x[cakew(x)].broughtw(ιx :cakew(x))(z)
With this baseline analysis for polar questions and their presuppositions in hand, I turn to my proposal for questions involving PolQPs in the next section.
3.2 Analysis of PolQPs-questions
On the syntactic side, building on Holmberg’s (2014) proposal for Finnish -kO I propose that PolQPs can be merged anywhere in a tree as long as they c-command a [Foc] feature. They carry a [uFoc] feature which needs to enter in an Agree-relation with a valued [Foc] feature. In addition, PolQPs carry an interrogative [uQ] feature which needs to agree with an interrogative C[Q] head. To illustrate that the Agree-relation between C[Q] and the PolQP has taken place, I will rewrite the interrogative C-head C[+Q] in the remainder of this paper. Languages differ in whether the PolQP together with the constituent it associates with moves to the specifier of FocP or not. While in Turkish, the mI-phrase (i.e., the phrase made of mI and the constituent it associates with) can remain in situ, in Finnish, the kO-phrase (i.e., the phrase made of -kO and the constituent it associates with) moves to Spec,FocP on the surface.8
On the semantic side, I build on Atlamaz (2015) and Kamali & Krifka (2020) and analyze PolQPs as focus markers which are interpreted within the proposition out of which the question is formed. In other words, I claim that PolQPs are interpreted below the interrogative C[+Q] head. These particles can combine with constituents of any semantic type as long as these constituents contain a focused expression. When α is a focused expression (or contains a focused expression), the contribution of PolQPs is vacuous, as shown below.
- (41)
- ⟦ αF -kO/mI ⟧g = α
I adopt a two-tier alternative semantics analysis of focus (Rooth 1985; 1992) according to which the function of focus is to evoke alternatives. On this analysis, expressions come with both an ordinary (o-value) and a focus-semantic value (f-value). The f-value of an expression which does not carry any F-feature is the singleton-set that contains its ordinary semantic value, as illustrated in (42). In contrast, the f-value of an F-marked expression corresponds to the set of objects of the same semantic type. As for its o-value, it is the same as its regular semantic value without an F feature, as illustrated in (43).
- (42)
- a.
- ⟦ Zoe ⟧o = z
- b.
- ⟦ Zoe ⟧f = {z}
- (43)
- a.
- ⟦ ZoeF ⟧o = z
- b.
- ⟦ ZoeF ⟧f = {x | x ∈ De}
The focus alternatives combine in a compositional manner, via a rule known as pointwise functional application, until they get factored into meaning via some operator.
- (44)
- Pointwise Functional Application
- If the node α has {β,γ} as the set of its daughters, ⟦β⟧alt ⊆ Dσ, and ⟦γ⟧alt ⊆ D⟨σ,τ⟩, then ⟦α⟧alt = {a(b)|a ∈ ⟦γ⟧alt ∧ b ∈ ⟦β⟧alt}
In particular, the focus alternatives triggered by the constituent PolQPs combine with at LF project all the way to the focus-sensitive ~ -operator. Rooth’s (1992) ~ -operator is defined in (45).9 This operator evaluates all foci in its scope unselectively and neutralizes their contribution by resetting the f-value to the o-value (Beck 2006).
- (45)
- If ψ = [~Γ γ], then:
- a.
- ⟦ψ⟧o = ⟦γ⟧o
- Defined iff g(Γ) ⊆ ⟦γ⟧f ∧ ⟦γ⟧o ∈ g(Γ) ∧ ∃p[p ≠ ⟦γ⟧o ∧ p ∈ g(Γ)]
- b.
- ⟦ψ⟧f = {⟦γ⟧o}
Let us now turn to the denotation of the interrogative C[+Q] head. I propose that in languages with PolQPs, C[+Q] is a focus operator which triggers an existential presupposition, as defined in (46).
- (46)
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g = λΓ⟨st,t⟩.λq⟨s,t⟩.λw : ∃ψ ∈ Γ[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = q
The set Γ is identical to the set provided by the ~ -operator, which is moreover dependent on the focus value of the sister node of ~.
To illustrate this analysis, let us consider again the polar question involving Finnish -kO in (47a) and the polar question involving Turkish mI in (49a). The step-by-step composition of the Finnish question in (47a) is given in (48) and the step-by-step composition of the Turkish question in (49a) is given in (50). Both questions denote partial functions from worlds to sets of propositions, which are only defined in worlds in which one proposition in the alternative set g(Γ) is true. That is, the question in (47a) is only defined in worlds in which someone left, and the question in (49a) is only defined in worlds in which someone bought Sessizev.
- (47)
- Finnish
- a.
- [
- Mari-ko
- Mari-PolQP
- ]
- lähti?
- left
- ‘Was it Mari who left?’
- b.
- Presupposition: Someone left.
- (48)
- a.
- [CP C[+Q] Γ [ψ [FocP [ MariF-ko] [ λx [TP x left ]]] ~Γ] ]
- b.
- ⟦ MariF-ko ⟧g = m
- c.
- ⟦ FocP ⟧g = λw.leftw(m)
- d.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {λw′.leftw′(z)|z ∈ De}.leftw(m)
- e.
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g = λΓ. λq.λw : ∃ψ∈ Γ [ψ(w)=1]. λp.p = q
- f.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1]. λp.p = λw′.leftw′ (m)
- (49)
- Turkish
- a.
- [
- Oya
- Oya
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- Sessizev’i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı?
- buy-pst
- ‘Was it Oya who bought Sessizev?’
- b.
- Presupposition: Someone bought Sessizev.
- (50)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [TP [ OyaF mı ] Sessizev bought ] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ OyaF mı ⟧g = o
- c.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(Sessizev)(o)
- d.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = λw: g(Γ) ⊆ {λw′.boughtw′(Sessizev)(z)|z ∈ De}. boughtw(Sessizev)(o)
- e.
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g = λΓ.λq.λw:∃ψ∈ Γ[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = q
- f.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw: ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′. boughtw′(Sessizev)(o)
As a result, this analysis captures the existential presupposition questions involving PolQPs come with. Presuppositions which come with PolQPs-questions involving other kinds of focused expressions will be discussed in Section 4.2.
The astute reader may wonder whether the existential presupposition coming with PolQPs-questions is not triggered by the interrogative particle itself or by the constituent it associates with. The following example from Turkish suggests that this is not the case. The polar question in (51a) which involves PolQP mI and the universal quantifier herkes ‘everyone’ cannot be uttered in a context in which everyone is going to a different place. For it to be felicitously uttered, there needs to be a place where everyone is going to, showing that the question in (51a) comes with the presupposition in (51b).
- (51)
- Turkish
- a.
- Herkes
- everyone
- [
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-dat
- mı
- PolQ
- ]
- git-yor?
- go-pres
- ‘Is it Ankara that everyone is going to?’
- b.
- Presupposition: There is a place where everyone is going to.
Section 5.1 will show that Turkish shows scope-rigidity and that the linear order between herkes and [Ankara-ya mı] determines their relative scope. As a result, the universal quantifier outscopes the mI-phrase in (51). This example thus shows that the existential presupposition PolQPs-questions come with is not triggered by mI or the expression it associates with but is triggered higher in the structure, above the universal quantifier in (51). In the proposed account, this existential presupposition is triggered by the interrogative C[+Q] head defined in (46) which is available in languages with PolQPs like Finnish and Turkish.
4 Deriving the properties of PolQPs and PolQPs-questions
Recall the signature properties of PolQPs summarized again in Table 2.
In this section, I demonstrate how the proposal put forth in Section 3 captures these signature properties. Given that Finnish and Turkish PolQPs share the same characteristic properties, I will focus here on Turkish mI. As previously mentioned, the main difference between Finnish PolQPs-questions and Turkish PolQPs-questions is syntactic: while in Turkish, the mI-phrase can remain in situ, in Finnish, the -kO-phrase moves to Spec,FocP on the surface.
4.1 PolQPs are mandatory
Recall that when PolQPs are not realized in a polar question, the resulting question is not well-formed, as shown again for Turkish below.
- (52)
- Turkish
- *Oya
- Oya
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı?
- buy-pst
- (Int.) ‘Did Oya buy Sessizev?’
The role of PolQPs together with the constituent it combines with is to satisfy the non-singleton requirement of the ~-operator that co-occurs with C[+Q]. When they are absent in a question, the presupposition is not sastified, and as a result, the question not well-formed. To illustrate, consider the step-by-step composition of the question in (52) in (53). The set of focus alternatives of the proposition that combines with ~ is a singleton-set. Thus, the presupposition of this operator is not satisfied and the question is undefined.
- (53)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [TP Oya Sessizev bought ] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(Sessizev)(o)
- ⟦ TP ⟧f = {λw.boughtw(Sessizev)(o)}
- c.
- If φ = [~Γ γ], then:
- (i)
- ⟦φ⟧g = ⟦γ⟧g
- Defined iff g(Γ) ⊆ ⟦γ⟧f ∧ ⟦γ⟧g ∈ g(Γ) ∧ ∃p[p ≠ ⟦γ⟧g ∧ p ∈ g(Γ)]
- (ii)
- ⟦φ⟧f = {⟦γ⟧g}
- d.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = #
Questions like (54) which involve a stressed expression are not well-formed polar questions in Turkish either. Underlyingly, I propose that these questions involve a covert exhaustification operator EXH which co-occurs with the ~-operator. EXH is defined in (55). Given a sentence φ and a set of alternatives Δ of φ, EXH φ asserts the conjunction of φ and the negations of all alternatives that are not entailed by the assertion.
- (54)
- Turkish
- *oya
- Oya
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı?
- buy-pst
- (Int.) ‘Did Oya buy Sessizev?’
- (55)
- ⟦ EXH Δ⟧g(φ) = λw.φw ∧ ∀q ∈ g(Δ)[qw → φ ⊆ q]
The step-by-step composition of the question in (54) is given in (56). The ~-operator which comes with EXH evaluates the F-marked expression in its scope and resets its focus semantic value to its ordinary semantics value. Thus, the set of focus alternatives of the proposition that combines with the ~-operator that comes with C[+Q] is a singleton. As a result, the presupposition of this operator is not satisfied and the question is again undefined.
- (56)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [χ EXH Δ [ζ [TP OyaF Sessizev bought ] ~Δ] ] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(Sessizev)(o)
- ⟦ TP ⟧f = {λw.boughtw(Sessizev)(x)|x ∈ De}
- c.
- If φ = [~Γ γ], then:
- (i)
- ⟦φ⟧g = ⟦γ⟧g
- Defined iff g(Γ) ⊆ ⟦γ⟧f ∧ ⟦γ⟧g ∈ g(Γ) ∧ ∃ p[p ≠ ⟦γ⟧g ∧ p ∈ g(Γ)]
- (ii)
- ⟦φ⟧f = {⟦γ⟧g}
- d.
- ⟦ ζ ⟧g = λw : g(Δ) ⊆ {λw′.boughtw′(Sessizev)(x)|x ∈ De}.boughtw(Sessizev)(o)
- ⟦ ζ ⟧f = {λw.boughtw(Sessizev)(o)}
- e.
- ⟦ χ ⟧g = λw : g(Δ) ⊆ {λw′.boughtw′(Sessizev)(x)| x ∈ De}.
- boughtw(Sessizev)(o) ∧ ∀q ∈ g(Δ) [qw → (λw′. boughtw′(Sessizev)(o)) ⊆ q]
- ⟦ χ ⟧f = {⟦χ⟧g}
- f.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = #
4.2 PolQPs are focus-sensitive
Another characteristic property of PolQPs discussed in detail in Section 2.4 is their focus-sensitivity. In particular, they can combine with any constituent in the structure as long as this constituent is F-marked or contains an F-marked expression. In particular, in a polar question like (57), Turkish mI can either follow the subject or the object, or it can appear in final position. The position of this particle affects the interpretation of the question, and in particular the presuppositions it comes with.
- (57)
- Turkish
- Oya
- Oya
- (mı)
- PolQP
- Sessizev’i
- Sessizev-acc
- (mi)
- PolQP
- al-dı
- buy-pst
- (mı)?
- PolQP
In Section 3.2, I have shown how the proposed account captures the interpretation of a question where mI associates with the subject. In the following examples, I turn to the other positions of mI. In particular, I derive the interpretations of questions where mI follows the object and where mI occurs in final position. When mI follows the object, it can either associate with the object, the VP (not illustrated here for sake of space) or the whole proposition out of which the question is formed (Kamali 2011). This is illustrated in examples (58)-(60).
- (58)
- Turkish
- a.
- What did Oya buy yesterday?
- Oya
- Oya
- [Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- mi]
- PolQP
- al-dı?
- buy-pst
- ‘Was it Sessizev that Oya bought?’
- b.
- Presupposition: Oya bought something.
- (59)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [TP Oya [ SessizevF mi] bought ] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ SessizevF mi ⟧g = s
- c.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(s)(o)
- d.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {λw′.boughtw′(z)(o)|z ∈ De}.boughtw(s)(o)
- e.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(o)
- (60)
- Turkish
- a.
- What happened?
- [Oya
- Oya
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- mi
- PolQP
- al-dı]?
- buy-pst
- ‘Did Oya buy Sessizev?’
- b.
- Presupposition: Something happened.
- (61)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [TP [ Oya Sessizev bought ]F mi ] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(s)(o)
- c.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ { p|p ∈ D<s,t>}.boughtw(s)(o)
- d.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(o)]
The fact that mI can associate with the object, the VP and the whole proposition when it attaches to the object on the surface is not a property specific to this particle. As shown by Kamali (2015a), other focus-sensitive particles like also/even show the same behavior in Turkish.
- (62)
- Turkish (Kamali 2015a)
- Dindar
- religious
- amcam
- uncle.my
- iskambil
- cards
- de/bile
- even
- oyna-dı.
- play-pst
- ‘My religious uncle also/even played cards yesterday.’
- a.
- NP focus: . . . and he played other games.
- b.
- VP focus: . . . and he did other things.
- c.
- TP focus: . . . and other amazing things happened.
Let us now consider polar questions where mI appears in final position. In this case, this particle can for instance associate with the predicate (63) or the polarity head (65) (Kamali & Krifka 2020, a.o.). See Kamali (2011) and Kamali (2015b) for more detailed discussions of the interpretation of questions involving mI in final position.
- (63)
- Turkish
- a.
- What did Oya do with Sessizev yesterday?
- Oya
- Oya
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- [aldı
- buy.pst
- mı]?
- PolQP
- ‘Was it buying it that Oya did with Sessizev?’
- b.
- Presupposition: Oya did something with Sessizev.
- (64)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [TP Oya Sessizev [ boughtF mı] ] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ boughtF mı ⟧g = λy.λx.λw.boughtw(y)(x)
- c.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(s)(o)
- d.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {λw′.Rw′(s)(o)|R ∈ D<e,<e,st> >}.boughtw(s)(o)
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ∈g(Γ) [ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′. boughtw′(s)(o)
- (65)
- Turkish
- a.
- Did Oya buy Sessizev or not?
- Oya
- Oya
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- aldı
- buy.pst
- mı?
- PolQP
- ‘Did Oya buy Sessizev?’
- b.
- Presupposition: Either Oya bought Sessizev or she didn’t buy Sessizev.
- (66)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [PolP [TP Oya Sessizev bought ] [Pol + ]F ] mı ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(Sessizev)(Oya)
- c.
- ⟦ + ⟧g = λp.p
- d.
- ⟦ PolP ⟧g = λw.boughtw(s)(o)
- e.
- ⟦ ψ ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {boughtw(s)(o), ¬ boughtw(s)(o)}. boughtw(s)(o)
- f.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′. boughtw′(s)(o)]
Kamali (2015b) shows that questions with final mI, in contrast to questions where mI follows the object, cannot be used out of the blue, as illustrated in (67)-(68). The analysis presented above helps us better understand this contrast. Questions involving final mI share the same presuppositions as the alternative questions Did someone break the window or not? and Did the baby roll down the bed or not?. These alternative questions, just like questions with final mI, are unfelicitous in such contexts, suggesting that this infelicitousness should be derived from the presuppositions.
- (67)
- Turkish (Kamali 2015b)
- Hearing a sudden crash in the next room, I run, open the door and ask:
- a.
- Biri
- someone
- cam-ı
- window-acc
- mı
- PolQP
- kır-dı?
- break-pst
- ‘Did someone break the window?’
- b.
- #Biri
- someone
- cam-ı
- window-acc
- kır-dı
- break-pst
- mı?
- PolQP
- (68)
- Turkish (Kamali 2015b)
- Hearing a sudden crash in the next room, I run, open the door and ask:
- a.
- Bebek
- baby
- yatak-tan
- bed-abl
- mı
- PolQP
- yuvarlan-dı?
- roll-pst
- ‘Did the baby roll down the bed?’
- b.
- #Bebek
- baby
- yatak-tan
- bed-abl
- yuvarlan-dı
- roll-pst
- mı?
- PolQP
4.3 PolQPs can be embedded
Not only can PolQPs occur in matrix interrogatives but also in embedded ones. In that case, they can be embedded under both rogative and responsive predicates, as illustrated again in (69) for Turkish mI.
- (69)
- Turkish
- a.
- Ali
- Ali
- [[Oya
- Oya
- mı]
- PolQP
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı]
- buy-pst]
- merak ediyor.
- wonder
- ‘Ali wonders whether Oya bought Sessizev.’
- b.
- Ali
- Ali
- [[Oya
- Oya
- mı]
- PolQP
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı]
- buy-pst]
- biliyor.
- know
- ‘Ali knows whether Oya bought Sessizev.’
When questions are embedded under rogative predicates like wonder, their presupposition is filtered to the attitude holder’s beliefs, as is the case with any attitude predicates (Karttunen 1974; Heim 1992: a.o.). Similarly, the sentence in (69a) comes with the presupposition that Ali believes that someone bought Sessizev. In contrast, when questions are embedded under responsive and factive predicates like know, their presupposition projects all the way to the matrix level. Unlike English know, Turkish bil- shows a factivity alternation (Özyildiz 2017a). For the sake of simplicity, we will focus on its factive use in this paper. In that case, the embedded question in (69b) comes with the presupposition that someone bought Sessizev.
We start with the analysis of the embedded question in (69a). The question-embedding predicate wonder is defined in (75). Just like other attitude predicates (Heim 1992), wonderw(Q)(x) presupposes that x believes π(Q).
- (70)
- For any question Q which presupposes π(Q),
- ⟦ wonder ⟧g(Q)(x)(w) is defined iff
Proponents of the singleton analysis of polar questions claim that the singleton-set denotation of a polar question must sometimes be mapped to the corresponding bipolar denotation (Biezma & Rawlins 2012; Uegaki 2018: a.o.) to avoid some type mismatch or other composition issues. In particular, this extra operation is necessary in accounting for question-embedding. One way to retrieve this bipolar denotation is to combine the singleton denotation of the question with the operator defined in (71).
- (71)
- ⟦ OPY/N ⟧ = λQ.λw.{λw.∀p ∈ Q(w)[p(w) = p(w′)]|w′ ∈ W}
To illustrate how the composition works, let us consider again the embedded question (69a) repeated in (72). The semantic value of the embedded CP is given in (73b). Composing (73b) with the operator in (71), we obtain the semantic value in (73c). This resulting semantic value then combines with the predicate wonder defined in (70) and the matrix subject. As a result, we obtain in (73d) the desired interpretation for the embedded question in (72).
- (72)
- Turkish
- Ali
- Ali
- [[Oya
- Oya
- mı]
- PolQP
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı]
- buy-pst]
- merak ediyor.
- wonder
- ‘Ali wonders whether Oya bought Sessizev.’
- (73)
- a.
- [TP Ali [ζ OPY/N[CP [ψ [TP [OyaF mı] Sessizev bought]~Γ] C[+Q] Γ]] wonder]
- b.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(o)
- c.
- ⟦ζ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].{λw′.boughtw′(s)(o),λw′.¬boughtw′(s)(o)}
- d.
- ⟦ (72) ⟧g = λw :
- wonder({λw′. boughtw′(s)(o),λw′.¬ boughtw′(s)(o)})(a)
Now that we have seen how the proposed account captures the interpretation of PolQPs-questions embedded under rogative predicates like wonder, we turn to PolQPs-questions embedded under responsive predicates like know. The meaning of know can be paraphrased as ‘to know the answer of’. To retrieve the answer of a question, I adopt Dayal’s (1996) answerhood operator ANS defined in (74). ANS is a partial function from questions to propositions which presupposes the existence of a unique most informative true member of the question denotation. When defined, it returns the most informative true answer.
- (74)
- ⟦ ANS ⟧ = λQ.λw:
- ∃p[p(w)=1 ∧ p ∈ Q(w) ∧ ∀q[q ∈ Q(w) ∧ p ⊆ q]].
- ιp[p(w)=1 ∧ p ∈ Q(w) ∧ ∀q[q ∈ Q(w) ∧ p ⊆ q]]
Recall that we focus here on the factive use of Turkish bil- ‘know’. In that case, it presupposes the truth of its complement.
- (75)
- For any proposition p,
- ⟦ know ⟧g(p)(x)(w) is defined iff p(w)=1
To see how these pieces combine together, consider again the embedded PolQPs-question in (76). The step-by-step composition of this question is provided in (77). First, the operator OPY/N composes with the embedded CP in (77b). The resulting denotation given in (77c) then combines with ANS, as illustrated in (77d). Finally, (77d) combines with know and the matrix subject. As a result, we derive for the sentence in (76) the expected reading in (77e) which is only defined in case someone bought Sessizev in w.
- (76)
- Turkish
- Ali
- Ali
- [[Oya
- Oya
- mı]
- PolQP
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı]
- buy-pst]
- biliyor.
- know
- ‘Ali knows whether Oya bought Sessizev.’
- (77)
- a.
- [TP Ali[χ ANS[ζ OPY/N [CP [[TP [OyaF mı] Sessizev bought] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ]]] knows]
- b.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(o)
- c.
- ⟦ζ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].{λw′. boughtw′(s)(o), λw′. ¬boughtw′(s)(o)}
- d.
- ⟦χ⟧g = λw:
- ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1]∧
- ∃p[p(w) = 1 ∧ p ∈ {λw′.boughtw′(s)(o), λw′. ¬boughtw′(s)(o)}∧
- ∀q[q ∈ Q(w) ∧ p ⊆ q]].
- ιp[p(w)=1 ∧ p ∈ {λw′. boughtw′(s)(o), λw′. ¬boughtw′(s)(o)}∧
- ∀q[q ∈ Q(w) ∧ p ⊆ q]]
- e.
- ⟦ (76) ⟧ = λw :
- ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1]∧
- ∃p[p(w) = 1 ∧p∈{λw′.boughtw′(s)(o), λw′. ¬boughtw′(s)(o)}∧
- ∀q[q∈Q(w) ∧p⊆ q]].
- know(ιp[p(w)=1 ∧ p ∈ {λw′.boughtw′(s)(o), λw′. ¬boughtw′(s)(o)}∧
- ∀q[q ∈ Q(w) ∧ p ⊆ q]])(a)
This section has shown how the proposed account derives the fact that POlQPs-questions can be embedded under rogative and responsive predicates, capturing at the same time the presuppositions these questions come with. In the next section, we turn to the last characteristic property of PolQPs, i.e., their restriction to polar and alternative questions.
4.4 PolQPs are restricted to polar and alternative questions
In section 3.2, I have provided an account of polar questions involving PolQPs. Let us now show how the proposed account extends to alternative questions. Following Gračanin-Yuksek (2016), I assume that alternative questions in Turkish are disjunctions of polar questions. Similar analyses of alternative questions have been put forth by Uegaki (2014) for Japanese alternative questions, and Mayr (to appear) for Polish alternative questions, among others. The step-by-step composition of a question like (78) is provided in (79). In each disjunct, mI satisfies the non-singleton requirement of the ~-operator that co-occurs with C[+Q]. The disjunction is interpreted as a generalized disjunction (Partee & Rooth 1983), as defined in (79d). Composing the semantic values of the two CPs with the semantic value of the disjunction, we derive in (79e) the desired interpretation of the alternative question in (78).
- (78)
- Turkish
- [Oya
- Oya
- mı]
- PolQP
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- al-dı
- buy-pst
- (yoksa)
- or
- [Ali
- Ali
- mi]?
- PolQP
- ‘Was it Oya who bought Sessizev or was it Ali?’
- (79)
- a.
- b.
- ⟦ CP1 ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(o)
- c.
- ⟦ CP2 ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ∈g(Γ) [ψ(w)=1]. λp.p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(a)
- d.
- ⟦ or ⟧g = λQ.λQ′.λw.λp.Q(w)(p) ∨ Q′(w)(p)
- e.
- ⟦ (78) ⟧g = λw: ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].
- λp.p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(o) ∨ p = λw′.boughtw′(s)(a)
The astute reader may have noticed that the uniqueness requirement that comes with alternative questions (i.e., that not more than one alternative is true) is not captured in the derivation in (79). The source of this inference has been subject to debate in the literature; some have claimed that it is a presupposition, a conventional implicature, or some other non-assertive component (Karttunen & Peters 1976; Romero & Han 2003; Biezma & Rawlins 2012; Pruitt & Roelofsen 2013; Mayr to appear: a.o.). To know exactly what the source of this inference is is outside the scope of this paper. One can choose their favorite analysis to derive this uniqueness requirement as long as it is compatible with the proposed account for PolQPs and PolQPs-questions.
The final signature property of PolQPs is that they cannot participate in the formation of wh-questions, as illustrated again in (80).
- (80)
- Turkish
- a.
- *Kim
- who
- mi
- PolQP
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- öp-tü?
- kiss-pst
- (Int.) ‘Who kissed Dilara?’
- b.
- *Kim
- who
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- mı
- PolQP
- öp-tü?
- kiss-pst
- (Int.) ‘Who kissed Dilara?’
Intuitively, these data suggest that there exists a competition between what the wh-word and the mI-phrase contribute in a question. In particular, both contribute a set of alternatives. In a question like (80a), these sets of alternatives are redundant, whereas in a question like (80b), they are incompatible.
However, deriving the incompatibility of these two interrogative elements is not an easy task. The main reason is that in standard analyses of wh-questions, the wh-word is interpreted as an indefinite and overtly or covertly moves to be interpreted above the interrogative C[+Q] head. However, given that PolQPs are interpreted below C[+Q], these two elements cannot easily combine with each other in a question like (80a). In the literature, we find analyses of wh-questions according to which wh-words are interpreted within the proposition out of which the question is formed. Versions of such analyses have been proposed by Beck (2006), Kotek (2014), and Mayr (2014), among others. However, none of these analyses are compatible with polar questions, and more specifically with polar questions involving PolQPs. As a result, one cannot adopt analyses of wh-in-situ questions to derive the incompatibility of the wh-word and PolQPs in questions like (80).
Another possible line of inquiry is to postulate that interrogative C[+Q] heads in wh-questions and in polar questions differ from each other. Specifically, the interrogative C[+Q] head found in wh-questions selects a TP and denotes a total function, as in (81a), whereas the interrogative C[+Q] head found in PolQPs-question selects a FocP and denotes a partial function, as in (81b). In that case, we could maintain a standard analysis of wh-questions according to which wh-words are interpreted above the interrogative C[+Q],
- (81)
- a.
- Wh-questions:
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g = λq.λw.λp.p = q
- b.
- PolQPs-questions:
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g = λΓ.λq.λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = q
If one assumes that the existential presupposition of wh-questions is contributed by the wh-words (e.g., Chierchia & Liao 2015), the incompatibility of the wh-words and mI in questions like (80) would come from a redundancy of the existential presupposition (80a) or an incompatibility of these existential presuppositions (80b). Further work is required to detail the implementation of such an analysis. More generally, the impossibility of PolQPs to participate in the formation of wh-questions raises core questions regarding what varies across different types of questions (e.g, the interrogative C[+Q] head, the way interrogative elements combine with the interrogative C[+Q] head) which will be addressed in future research.
5 Extending the analysis: interaction with quantifiers and focus particles
The previous section has shown how our proposal put forth in Section 3 captures the properties of PolQPs and of the questions where they occur. In this section, I extend the proposed account to capture two novel phenomena observed in Turkish polar questions: (i) interaction between PolQPs and quantifiers, and (ii) intervention effects.
5.1 Interaction with quantifiers
Because the position of Turkish mI is flexible in a question, we can investigate how it interacts with other logical operators like quantifiers. Özyıldız (2015) shows that when a universal quantifier co-occurs with negation in a declarative, the narrow scope interpretation of the universal quantifier is the preferred interpretation for all speakers, as shown in example (82). Even though Özyıldız’s (2015) example involves a subject quantifier, example (83) shows that the same is true of sentences involving object quantifiers.
- (82)
- Turkish (Özyıldız 2015)
- Herkes
- everyone
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-dat
- git-mi-yor.
- go-neg-pres.prog
- a.
- ‘It is not the case that everybody is going to Ankara.’ ¬ > ∀
- b.
- %‘Nobody is going to Ankara.’ ∀ > ¬
- (83)
- Turkish
- Dilara
- Dilara
- lab-da
- lab-loc
- herkes-i
- everyone-acc
- gör-me-di.
- see-neg-pst
- a.
- ‘It is not the case that Dilara has seen everybody at the lab.’ ¬ > ∀
- b.
- % ‘Dilara has not seen anybody at the lab.’ ∀ > ¬
When we turn these declaratives into polar questions by combining PolQP mI with the universal quantifier, that quantifier must now take wide scope with respect to negation, as illustrated in (84). The reading where the universal quantifier takes narrow scope with respect to negation (i.e., ‘Is it not the case that everybody is going to Ankara?’) is not available. Again, questions involving universal quantifiers in object position pattern the same way, as shown in (85).
- (84)
- Turkish (Özyıldız 2015)
- [ Herkes
- everyone
- mi
- PolQP
- ]
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-dat
- git-mi-yor?
- go-neg-pres.prog
- ‘Is everybody such that they are not going to Ankara?’ ∀ > ¬
- (85)
- Turkish
- Dilara
- Dilara
- lab-da
- lab-loc
- [
- herkes-i
- everyone-acc
- mi
- PolQP
- ]
- gör-me-di?
- see-neg-pst
- ‘Is it everyone that Dilara has not seen at the lab?’ ∀ > ¬
The above examples show that combining PolQP mI with a universal quantifier changes the scope of that quantifier. In particular, the quantifier takes a wider scope than the one it takes in declaratives. Now, when mI combines with constituents other than the quantifier, a contrast is observed depending on the position of mI with respect to the quantifier. Specifically, when the quantifier precedes mI on the surface, it must take wide scope with respect to negation. Example (86) shows that this is true of both subject and object quantifiers. In contrast, example (87) shows that when herkes follows mI, it must scope under negation just like in declaratives. Again, both subject and object quantifiers pattern the same.
- (86)
- Turkish
- a.
- Herkes
- everyone
- [
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-dat
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- git-mi-yor?
- go-neg-pres.prog
- ‘Is it Ankara that no one is going to?’ ∀ > ¬
- b.
- Lab-da
- lab-loc
- herkes-i
- everyone-acc
- [
- Dilara
- Dilara
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- gör-me-di?
- see-neg-pst
- ‘Is it Dilara who has not seen anyone at the lab?’ ∀ > ¬
- (87)
- Turkish
- a.
- [
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-loc
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- herkes
- everyone
- git-mi-yor?
- go-neg-pres.prog
- ‘It it Ankara that not everyone is going to?’ ¬ > ∀
- b.
- [Dilara
- Dilara
- mı]
- PolQP
- lab-da
- lab-loc
- herkes-i
- everyone-acc
- gör-me-di?
- see-neg-pst
- ‘Is it Dilara who has not seen everybody at the lab?’ ¬ > ∀
These examples show that the surface position of mI with respect to a universal quantifier matters and affects the interpretation of the question. Table 3 summarizes the generalizations I just established.10
Co-occurrence with a scope-taking expression and negation.
Declaratives | [ QF mI ] | [ XPF mI ] | |
Q precedes XP | ¬ > Q | Q > ¬ | Q > ¬ |
XP precedes Q | ¬ > Q | Q > ¬ | ¬ > Q |
Let us see how the account put forth in Section 3 can capture these scope facts. In Turkish, negation occurs above vP and below TP, as suggested by the order of the morphemes on the verb (see e.g. Jeretič 2022). The fact that the universal quantifier herkes must take narrow scope with respect to negation in a declarative for most speakers (88) suggests that for them the quantifier must reconstruct under negation at LF, as shown in (89a). With this structure, we derive for the sentence in (88) the interpretation in (89b).
- (88)
- Turkish
- Herkes
- everyone
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-dat
- git-mi-yor.
- go-neg-pres.prog.3S
- ‘It is not the case that everybody is going to Ankara.’ ¬ > ∀
- %‘Nobody is going to Ankara.’ %∀ > ¬
- (89)
- a.
- [TP [NegP [vP herkes [ λx [vP x Ankara went]]] ¬ ]]
- b.
- ⟦ (88) ⟧ = ¬ ∀x[human(x) → went-to(a)(x)]
To derive the interpretation of PolQPs-questions involving both herkes and negation (schematized in the second and third column of the above table), I adopt Kratzer’s (1991) implementation of Rooth’s (1992) theory (cf. discussion by Beck 2006). In this system, the ordinary value of a (non-complex) constituent α is its usual denotation, which is derived by applying the interpretation function. For the secondary value, a designated assignment function h is invoked. The F feature of a focused expression carries an index which serves as a distinguished variable subject to interpretation by h. h maps the variable on α onto an object of the same semantic type as ⟦α⟧g.
- (90)
- a.
- ⟦α⟧g = ⟦α⟧ if α is assignment-independent, and g(α) otherwise
- ⟦α⟧g,h = ⟦α⟧g
- b.
- ⟦αFi⟧g = ⟦α⟧g
- ⟦αFi⟧g,h = h(i)
The secondary value of a complex constituent is then derived recursively by applying the usual semantic rules to its subconstituents. The rules of functional application and predicate abstraction are defined in this system as follows.
- (91)
- Functional application:
- If A is a branching node with daughters B of type <γ,τ> and C of type γ,
- a.
- ⟦A⟧g = ⟦B⟧g (⟦C⟧g)
- b.
- ⟦A⟧g,h = ⟦B⟧g,h (⟦C⟧g,h)
- (92)
- Predicate abstraction:
- If A is a branching node with daughters B and a numerical index i,
- a.
- ⟦A⟧g = λx.⟦B⟧g[x/i]
- b.
- ⟦A⟧g,h = λx.⟦B⟧g[x/i],h
To illustrate how this system works, let us consider again a polar question which involves neither negation nor a quantifier like (93). The step-by-step composition is given in (94). We derive for this question the denotation in (94g), as expected. That is, the question denotes a partial function from worlds to sets of propositions, which is only defined in worlds in which one proposition in the alternative set g(Γ) is true – namely, in worlds in which someone left.
- (93)
- Turkish
- [Oya
- Oya
- mı]
- PolQP
- ayrıl-dı?
- leave-pst
- ‘Was it Oya who left?’
- (94)
- a.
- [CP [φ [TP [ OyaFi mı ] left ] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ OyaFi mı ⟧g = o
- ⟦ OyaFi mı ⟧g,h = h(i)
- c.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.leftw(o)
- ⟦ TP ⟧g,h = λw.leftw(h(i))
- d.
- If φ = [~Γ γ], then:
- (i)
- ⟦ φ ⟧g = ⟦γ⟧g
- Defined iff g(Γ) ⊆ {⟦ γ ⟧g,h′ |h′ ∈ H} ∧ ⟦ γ ⟧g ∈ g(Γ)
- ∧ ∃p[p ≠ ⟦γ⟧g ∧ p ∈ g(Γ)]
- (ii)
- ⟦φ⟧g,h = ⟦γ⟧g
- e.
- ⟦φ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {λw′.leftw′(h(i))|h ∈ H}.leftw(o)
- ⟦φ⟧g,h = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {λw′.leftw′(h(i))|h ∈ H}.leftw(o)
- f.
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g = λΓ.λq.λw : ∃ψ ∈ g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = q
- ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g,h = ⟦ C[+Q] ⟧g
- g.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw : ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].λp.p = λw.leftw(o)
Consider now a polar question where the interrogative particle mI co-occurs with a universal quantifier, as (95). This question has the underlying structure in (96a). Combining the negative proposition in (96b) with the phrase made of mI and the constituent it associates with in (96b), and then with the ~-operator and the interrogative C[+Q] head, we obtain the denotation in (96e) for the polar question in (95), as expected. That is, we derive the interpretation according to which the universal takes wide scope with respect to negation.
- (95)
- Turkish (Özyıldız 2015)
- [Herkes
- everyone
- mi]
- Q
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-dat
- git-mi-yor?
- go-neg-pres.prog.3S
- ‘Is everybody such that they are not going to Ankara?’ ∀ > ¬
- (96)
- a.
- [CP [φ [ everyoneFi mi ][ λx [TP ¬ [vP x Ankara go ]]]] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.¬is-going-tow(a)(x)
- ⟦ TP ⟧g,h = λw. ¬is-going-tow(a)(x)
- c.
- ⟦ everyoneFi mi ⟧g = λP.λw.∀x[humanw(x) → P(x)]
- ⟦ everyoneFi mi ⟧g,h = h(i)
- d.
- ⟦ φ ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {h(i)(λx.¬is-going-tow(a)(x))|h ∈ H}.
- ∀x[humanw(x) → ¬ is-going-tow(a)(x)]
- ⟦ φ ⟧g,h = ⟦ φ ⟧g
- e.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw:
- ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].
- λp.p = λw′.∀x[humanw′(x) → ¬is-going-tow′(a)(x)]
Just like other quantifiers in the language (Kelepir 2001; Özyıldız 2017b; Demirok 2019), I propose that mI can freeze the scope of another quantifier it co-occurs with. The phenomenon of scope rigidity between two quantifiers in Turkish declaratives is illustrated in example (97).
- (97)
- Turkish (Demirok 2019)
- a.
- Bi
- a
- çocuk
- child
- her
- every
- elma-yı
- apple-acc
- ye-di.
- eat-pst.3sg
- ‘A child ate every apple.’ ✔ ∃ > ∀; *∀ > ∃
- b.
- Her
- every
- elma-yı
- apple-acc
- bi
- a
- çocuk
- child
- ye-di.
- eat-pst.3sg
- ‘Every apple was eaten by a different child.’ *∃ > ∀; ✔∀ > ∃
As a result, when the mI-phrase precedes the universal quantifier on the surface, it takes wide scope over it at LF. In that case, the universal can reconstruct under negation just like in declaratives, and we derive for the question the reading ¬ > ∀, as shown in (99).
- (98)
- Turkish
- [Ankara-ya
- Ankara-loc
- mı]
- PolQP
- herkes
- everyone
- git-mi-yor?
- go-neg-pres.prog.3S
- ‘Is it Ankara that not everyone is going to?’ ¬ > ∀
- (99)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [AnkaraFi mı][λx [TP ¬ [vP everyone [λy[y x go]]]]] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ]
- b.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw :
- ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].
- λp.p = λw′.¬ ∀x[humanw′ (x) → is-going-tow′(a)(x)]
In contrast, when the mI-phrase follows the universal quantifier on the surface, it scopes under it at LF. In that case, the universal quantifier cannot reconstruct to its base position, as illustrated in the structure in (101a), and we derive for the question in (100) the reading ∀ > ¬ given in (101b).
- (100)
- Turkish
- Herkes
- everyone
- [Ankara-ya
- Ankara-DAT
- mı]
- Q
- git-mi-yor?
- go-neg-pres.prog.3S
- ‘Is it Ankara that no one is going to?’ ∀ > ¬
- (101)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [everyone [λy [AnkaraFi mı] [λx [TP ¬ [vP y x go]]]]] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ]
- b.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw :
- ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].
- λp.p = λw′.∀x[humanw′(x) → ¬is-going-tow′(a)(x)]
To summarize, this section builds on Özyıldız (2015) and establishes a new empirical generalization regarding the interaction between PolQP mI and quantifiers. On the theoretical side, I show how the account of PolQPs and PolQPs-questions provided in Section 3 combined with Kratzer’s (1991) implementation of Rooth’s (1992) theory captures this generalization. As pointed out by an anonymous reviewer, one prediction this account makes is that the universal quantifier herkes should take narrow scope with respect to negation in broad focus contexts, that is, when mI associates with the whole proposition. This prediction will be carefully investigated in future work.
5.2 Intervention effects
In the proposed account of PolQPs-questions, the focus alternatives triggered by the constituent PolQPs combine with must project all the way to the interrogative C[+Q] head. Therefore, we expect the following: if an operator which can use these focus alternatives intervenes between C[+Q] and the mI-phrase, the corresponding polar question would not be well-formed. This final section shows that this prediction is indeed borne out. Before turning to the discussion of PolQPs-questions, I first introduce the phenomenon of intervention effects with wh-questions as it has – to my knowledge – never been discussed in the domain of polar questions before.
In wh-in-situ languages, when some logical operator like the focus particle only precedes the wh-word, the resulting wh-question is ill-formed (Beck 2006; Beck & Kim 2006; Mayr 2014; and references therein). This is illustrated in (102a) for Korean. When the wh-word moves accross the focus particle, the question becomes fully acceptable, as illustrated in (102b).
- (102)
- Korean (Beck 2006)
- a.
- *Minsu-man
- Minsu-only
- nuku-lûl
- who-acc
- po-ss-ni?
- see-pst-Q
- ‘Who did only Minsu see?’
- b.
- Nuku-lûl
- who-acc
- Minsu-man
- Minsu-only
- po-ass-ni?
- see-pst-Q
- ‘Who did only Minsu see?’
The focus particle only is not the only operator which causes intervention effects. Other focus particles like even and also, and other logical operators like every, no, few, are also known to trigger intervention effects. In addition, intervention effects are also observed in languages with wh-movement. In these languages, multiple wh-questions become ill-formed when one of the wh-words follows the intervening operator, as illustrated in (103).
- (103)
- German (Beck 1996)
- a.
- Wen
- whom
- hat
- has
- der
- the
- Hans
- Hans
- wo
- where
- gesehen?
- seen
- ‘Who did Hans see where?’
- b.
- *Wen
- whom
- hat
- has
- niemand
- nobody
- wo
- where
- gesehen?
- seen
- ‘Who did nobody see where?’
In what follows, I present novel data showing that polar questions involving Turkish mI show similar intervention effects. Specifically, the mI-phrase cannot be preceded by a focus particle, except when they associate with the same expression. This is illustrated in examples (104) and (105) for the focus particles sadece ‘only’ and bile ‘even’ respectively.11
- (104)
- Turkish
- a.
- [Sadece
- only
- Oya
- Oya
- mı]
- PolQP
- dün
- yesterday
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- ‘Was it only Oya who made dinner yesterday?’
- b.
- *Sadece
- only
- Oya
- Oya
- [dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- c.
- *Sadece
- only
- Oya
- Oya
- dün
- yesterday
- [yemek
- dinner
- mi]
- PolQP
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- d.
- *Sadece
- only
- Oya
- Oya
- dün
- yesterday
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı
- make-pst
- mı?
- PolQP
- (105)
- Turkish
- a.
- [Oya
- Oya
- bile
- even
- mi]
- PolQP
- dün
- yesterday
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- ‘Was it even Oya who made dinner yesterday?’
- b.
- *Oya
- Oya
- bile
- even
- [dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- c.
- *Oya
- Oya
- bile
- even
- dün
- yesterday
- [yemek
- dinner
- mi]
- PolQP
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- d.
- *Oya
- Oya
- bile
- even
- dün
- yesterday
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı
- make-pst
- mı?
- PolQP
As is the case in wh-questions, when mI-phrases are scrambled across the focus particles, the questions then become fully acceptable. This is illustrated in examples (106) and (107) for sadece ‘only’ and bile ‘even’ respectively.
- (106)
- Turkish
- a.
- [Dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- sadece
- only
- Oya
- Oya
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- ‘Was it yesterday that only Oya made dinner?’
- b.
- Oya
- Oya
- [dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- sadece
- only
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- ‘Was it yesterday that Oya made only dinner?’
- (107)
- Turkish
- a.
- [Dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- Oya
- Oya
- bile
- even
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- ‘Was it yesterday that even Oya made dinner?’
- b.
- Oya
- Oya
- [dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- yemek
- dinner
- bile
- even
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- ‘Was it yesterday that Oya made even dinner?’
These intervention effects can be accounted for by the analysis of PolQPs-questions put forth in Section 3. In a nutshell, the polar question in (108) is ill-formed because the focus particle sadece uses the focus alternatives generated by the constituent mI associates with. As a result, these focus alternatives are no longer available to the interrogative C[+Q] head. The step-by-step composition of this question is given in (109). The ~-operator which comes with the focus particle sadece evaluates all the F-marked expressions in its scope and neutralizes their contribution by resetting the focus semantic value to the ordinary semantics value, as illustrated in (109c). The set of focus alternatives thus becomes a singleton set. Therefore, when the ~-operator which comes with the interrogative C[+Q] head combines with its complement, the presupposition of this operator is not satisfied and the question is undefined, as in (109e).
- (108)
- Turkish
- *Sadece
- only
- Oya
- Oya
- [dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- (109)
- a.
- [CP [ψ [χ only Δ[ζ [TP OyaFj [yesterdayFi mü] dinner made]~Δ]]~Γ] C[+Q] Γ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.yesterday(made-dinnerw(o))
- ⟦ TP ⟧g,h = λw.h(i)(made-dinnerw(h(j)))
- c.
- ⟦ ζ ⟧g = λw : g(Δ) ⊆ {λw′.h(i)(made-dinnerw′(h(j)))|h ∈ H}.
- yesterday(made-dinnerw(o))
- ⟦ ζ ⟧g,h = ⟦ ζ ⟧g
- d.
- ⟦ χ ⟧g = λw : g(Δ) ⊆ {λw′.h(i)(made-dinnerw′(h(j)))|h ∈ H}.
- ∀q ∈ g(Δ)[q → yesterday(made-dinnerw(o)) ⊆ q)]
- ⟦ χ ⟧g,h = ⟦ χ ⟧g
- e.
- ⟦ψ⟧g = #
In contrast, when the mI-phrase precedes the focus particle, as in (110) for instance, the derivation proceeds as expected, as illustrated in (111). In that case, the focus alternatives generated by the constituent mI associates with are available to the interrogative C[+Q] head and we derive for the question in (110) the interpretation in (111g).
- (110)
- Turkish
- [Dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- sadece
- only
- Oya
- Oya
- yemek
- dinner
- yap-tı?
- make-pst
- ‘Was it yesterday that only Oya made dinner?’
- (111)
- a.
- [CP[ψ[ɣ[yesterdayFi mü][λQ[χonly Δ[ζ[TPOyaFj Q dinner made] ~Δ]]]] ~Γ] C[+Q] Γ]
- b.
- ⟦ TP ⟧g = λw.Q(made-dinnerw(o))
- ⟦ TP ⟧g,h = λw.Q(made-dinnerw(h(j)))
- c.
- ⟦ ζ ⟧g = λw : g(Δ) ⊆ {λw′.Q(made-dinnerw′(h(j)))|h ∈ H}.
- Q(made-dinnerw(o))
- ⟦ ζ ⟧g,h = ⟦ ζ ⟧g
- d.
- ⟦ χ ⟧g = λw : g(Δ) ⊆ {λw′.Q(made-dinnerw′(h(j)))|h ∈ H}.
- ∀q ∈ g(Δ)[q → Q(made-dinnerw(o)) ⊆ q)]
- ⟦ χ ⟧g,h = ⟦ χ ⟧g
- e.
- ⟦ γ ⟧g = λw.∀q ∈ g(Δ)[q → yesterday(made-dinnerw(o)) ⊆ q)]
- ⟦ γ ⟧g,h = λw.∀q ∈ g(Δ)[q → h(i)(made-dinnerw(o)) ⊆ q)]
- f.
- ⟦ψ⟧g = λw : g(Γ) ⊆ {∀q ∈ g(Δ)[q → h(i)(made-dinnerw(o)) ⊆ q)]|h ∈ H}.
- ∀q ∈ g(Δ)[q → yesterday(made-dinnerw(o)) ⊆ q)]
- ⟦ψ⟧g,h = ⟦ψ⟧g
- g.
- ⟦ CP ⟧g = λw :
- ∃ψ∈g(Γ)[ψ(w)=1].
- λp.p = λw′.∀q ∈ g(Δ) [q → yesterday(made-dinnerw′(o)) ⊆ q)]
This account predicts that only focus particles can cause intervention effects when they occur between the interrogative C[+Q] head and the mI-phrase. Operators which do not use focus alternatives should not be problematic. Example (112) shows that again, this prediction is borne out. When the quantifiers herkes ‘every’ and az ‘few’ occur between C[+Q] and the mI-phrase, the resulting questions are well-formed.
- (112)
- Turkish
- a.
- Herkes
- everyone
- [Ankara-ya
- Ankara-DAT
- mı]
- Q
- git-mi-yor?
- go-neg-pres.prog.3S
- ‘Is it Ankara that no one is going to?’
- b.
- Az
- few
- öğrenci
- students
- [dün
- yesterday
- mü]
- PolQP
- Ankara-ya
- Ankara-dat
- git-ti?
- go-pst
- ‘Is it yesterday that few students went to Ankara?’
To sum up, this section explored a prediction made by the account of PolQPs and PolQPs-questions provided in Section 3. I have shown that this prediction – i.e., that we should observe intervention effects in PolQPs-questions involving mI – is borne out in Turkish thus providing empirical evidence that intervention effects are not restricted to wh-questions and alternative questions, but can be found in polar questions as well. Moreover, I have demonstrated how the proposed account combined with Kratzer’s (1991) implementation of Rooth’s (1992) theory captures these intervention effects. In future research, finding additional languages with PolQPs will be required to determine whether the two phenomena discussed in this last section are specific to Turkish polar questions or are shared by other PolQPs-questions. For this, one would need to find a language with a PolQP whose syntactic position in the question is flexible but remains in situ, just like Turkish mI and unlike Finnish -kO.
6 Conclusion
The contributions of this work are both empirical and theoretical. Drawing from data found in previous literature as well as novel data elicited in Finnish and Turkish, I started out by establishing the signature properties of PolQPs. In doing so, I have argued that we need to draw a distinction between (at least) three types of interrogative particles across languages: (i) particles like Japanese ka which can occur in both declaratives and interrogatives, (ii) particles like Hindi-Urdu kya: which are optional, can occur in some but not all wh-questions, and can be embedded under rogative predicates, and (iii) PolQPs which are restricted to polar and alternative questions and are mandatory in both matrix and embedded questions. Although I limited my discussion to Finnish -kO and Turkish mI, PolQPs are presumably more widely spread across languages than one may have previously thought. Further work is required to determine whether other interrogative particles show the same signature properties as PolQPs.
On the theoretical side, I have provided a multi-dimensional analysis of PolQPs-questions which captures the signature properties of these interrogative particles, and derive the presuppositions PolQPs-questions come with. Specifically, I have claimed that PolQPs are focus markers which are interpreted within the proposition out of which a question is formed. These particles carry an interrogative feature which must agree with an interrogative C[+Q] head. The focus alternatives triggered by the constituent they combine with project all the way up to the interrogative C[+Q] head. In languages with PolQPs, I have claimed that C[+Q] is a focus operator which triggers an existential presupposition. In addition to capturing the characteristic properties of PolQPs, this analysis accounts for two novel phenomena observed in Turkish polar questions, namely, the interaction between PolQPs and quantifiers and intervention effects (see Gonzalez 2021). In future research, finding additional languages with PolQPs will be required to determine whether these two phenomena are specific to Turkish polar questions or are shared by other PolQPs-questions, and thus whether they constitute two additional characteristic properties of PolQPs-questions. In addition to its empirical contribution, this work contributes to a better understanding of the source of presuppositions in questions and their projection behavior, and of the interaction between different sets of alternatives.
- In their paper, Bhatt & Dayal (2020) call the Hindi-Urdu particle kya: which occurs in polar questions like (3) polar interrogative particle. Even though I use the same terminology here, I show in Section 2 that we should draw a distinction between these two types of interrogative particles. [^]
- Atlamaz (2015) notes that Turkish mI can appear in certain conditionals, as shown below.
- (i)
- Turkish
- Ali
- Ali
- geldi
- come.pst
- mi
- PolQP
- gider-iz.
- go-1pl
- ‘We’ll leave when Ali comes.’
- (ii)
- French
- a.
- Je
- I
- me
- me
- demande
- ask
- si
- if
- Zoé
- Zoe
- viendra.
- come.fut
- ‘I wonder whether Zoe will come.’
- b.
- Si
- if
- Zoé
- Zoe
- vient,
- comes
- je
- I
- serai
- be.fut
- contente.
- happy
- ‘If Zoe comes, I will be happy.’
- Even though PolQPs cannot participate in the formation of wh-questions, they can co-occur with a wh-word in a question in both Finnish and Turkish, as illustrated in (i) and (ii) respectively (see Kamali & Krifka 2020 on Turkish mI).
- (i)
- Finnish
- Mitä-kö
- what-PolQP
- Pekka
- Pekka
- osti?
- bought
- No
- well
- koiran
- dog
- tietenkin.
- of.course
- ‘Are you asking what Pekka bought? Well, a dog of course.’
- (ii)
- Turkish
- Kim
- who
- mi
- PolQP
- Sessizev-i
- Sessizev-acc
- aldı?
- bought
- Tabiki
- of.course
- de
- foc
- Can
- Can
- aldi.
- bought
- ‘Are you asking who bought Sessizev? Of course, Can bought it.’
- The restrictions that kya: is subject to in embedded interrogatives are more complex than what is presented here. I refer the reader to Bhatt & Dayal (2020) for further details. [^]
- As noted by an anonymous reviewer, there are multiple ways of embedding a clause in Turkish: some embedded clauses are referred to as nominalized embedded clauses and others as tensed or finite embedded clauses. Examples (17) show that PolQP mI can occur in tensed embedded clauses. Kamali & Krifka (2020) show that this interrogative particle can also occur in nominalized embedded clauses under the responsive predicate ‘know’, as in (i).
- (i)
- Turkish (Kamali & Krifka 2020)
- Merve
- Merve
- [Ali-nin
- Ali-gen
- mi
- PolQP
- iskambil
- card
- oyna-dığ-ın-ı]
- play-nom-3sg-acc
- bil-iyor.
- know-pres
- ‘Merve knows whether it was Ali who played cards.’
- Questions involving PolQPs are often translated using cleft constructions in English. As pointed out by an anonymous reviewers, clefts are known to come with an exhaustivity inference in addition to an existential presupposition (e.g., Velleman et al. 2012; Büring & Križ 2013; De Veaugh-Geiss et al. 2018; and references therein). What the status of this exhaustivity inference and its exact form are is not relevant for our discussion. Consider now the examples in Finnish and Turkish in (i) and (ii) respectively. These questions are all answered positively, and crucially come with a continuation stating that the focused expression in the question is not the only individual making the proposition true. If questions involving PolQPs were coming with an exhaustivity inference, these continuations should be unfelicitous. The fact that they are not suggests that polar questions involving PolQPs do not come with such an inference, and thus are not the equivalent of English interrogatives involving a clefted constituent.
- (i)
- Finnish
- a.
- [
- Mari-ko
- Mari-PolQP
- ]
- lähti?
- leave.pst
- ‘Was it Mari who left?’
- b.
- Kyllä,
- yes
- ja
- and
- Aino
- Aino
- myös.
- too
- ‘Yes, and Aino left too.’
- (ii)
- Turkish
- a.
- [
- Oya
- Oya
- mı
- PolQP
- ]
- Dilara’yı
- Dilara-acc
- öp-tü?
- kiss-pst
- ‘Was it Oya who kissed Dilara?’
- b.
- Evet,
- Yes,
- bir
- one
- de
- add
- Ali
- Ali
- öp-tü.
- kiss-pst
- ‘Yes, and Ali kissed her too.’
- At first sight, it seems that Russian li differs from PolQPs in that its use is not mandatory in matrix interrogatives. In other words, matrix polar questions without li are well-formed in Russian. However, when li is absent, a raising intonation seems to be required. Thus, it might be that several strategies are available in Russian to form polar questions: one can either use the interrogative particle li or a raising intonation. When speakers choose to use li, the use of the interrogative particle is mandatory. One way to verify this is to look at embedded interrogatives. Because raising intonation is a root phenomenon, this strategy is not available to embed a question. As a result, one can only use the interrogative particle strategy. Example (i) shows that in this case li is mandatory.
- (i)
- Russian
- a.
- Ja
- 1sg
- spros-i-l-a
- ask-th-pst-f
- [
- prish-l-a
- come-pst-f
- *(li)
- li
- Zoj-a
- Zoj-nom
- ].
- ‘I asked whether Zoe came.’
- b.
- Ja
- 1sg
- zna-ju
- know-prs-1sg
- [
- prixod-i-l-a
- come-th-pst-f
- *(li)
- li
- Zoj-a
- Zoj-nom
- ].
- ‘I know whether Zoe came.’
- This syntactic analysis differs from Kamali’s (2011) and Ödeniz’s (2015) analyses of Turkish mI. In particular, both Kamali and Ödeniz propose that mI is generated as the head of a projection below the interrogative C[+Q] head and attracts the constituent it associates with to its specifier. As far as I know, there is no strong argument in favor of their analysis or in favor of mine. However, the syntactic analysis I adopt here – namely, that PolQPs are crosscategorial particles that can attach to any constituent in the structure – allows us to provide a unified analysis of the two particles under study, namely Finnish -kO and Turkish mI. [^]
- In the rest of this paper, I will ignore the second and third conjunct of the presupposition triggered by this operator when they are not relevant to the discussion. [^]
- To make sure that the contrast indicated in the last column of this table is due to the presence of PolQP mI and is not specific to the universal quantifier herkes, I elicited further examples with other quantifiers (in particular, numerals), and replicated the patterns. Therefore, this generalization is robust and should be accounted for by any analysis of Turkish mI. [^]
- An anonymous reviewer mentioned that for them, the sentences in (105a)-(105c) are all well-formed. The four native speakers of Turkish I consulted for these examples disagree with this judgment and agree with the judgements reported in (105). Why there is some speaker variation with examples involving bile ‘even’ but not with examples involving sadece ‘only’ is a question I leave for future work. [^]
The abbreviations follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules, except: PolQP = polar interrogative particle.
Many thanks to Anna Alsop, Rümeysa Bektaş, Ömer Demirok, Karoliina Lohiniva, Deniz Özyıldız and Hande Sevgi for their judgments, and to Gennaro Chierchia, Kate Davidson, Anamaria Fălăuş and Deniz Özyıldız for discussion and insightful comments. I would also like to thank the audience at GLOW 44 and SALT 31 for their valuable comments, as well as two anonymous reviewers and Guest Editor Ora Matushansky for their constructive feedback. All errors are my own.
Competing Interests
The author has no competing interests to declare.
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