1 Introduction
This paper is concerned with valency-related affixes in Hawaiian, with a focus on causative and nominalizing morphology; the passive affix is briefly discussed as well. Of particular interest are two prefixes which Elbert & Pukui (1979) identify as ‘causative/simulative’ prefixes in their standard reference grammar; these are ho‘o- and ha‘a- (each with a set of phonologically conditioned allomorphs). As observed by Elbert & Pukui (1979), both ho‘o- and ha‘a- can attach to roots (1a, 1b). Ho‘o- can also affix to ha‘a-, but affixation of ha‘a- to ho‘o- is ungrammatical (1c, 1d).
- (1)
- a.
- ho‘o-ROOT: ho‘o-hele (caus-go) ‘to set in motion’
- b.
- ha‘a-ROOT: ha‘a-nui (caus-big) ‘to brag, exaggerate’
- c.
- ho‘o-ha‘a-ROOT: ho‘o-ha‘a-nui (caus-caus-big) ‘to cause to brag’
- d.
- *ha‘a-ho‘o-ROOT
While the facts in (1) are open to multiple analyses, corpus data (detailed below) shows an unexpected gap when comparing the causative prefixes with the nominalizing suffix. Nominalization in Hawaiian is generally marked by either the suffix -na or the free particle ‘ana (2a, 2b). While nominalizations with the particle ‘ana allow prefixation with both ho‘o- and ha‘a-, words with the -na suffix do not co-occur with ha‘a-, even though -na nominalizations with ho‘o- are common (2c, 2d). Nor is it the case that ha‘a- is ruled out from forms with valency-related suffixes; as discussed below, words with the passive suffix allow both ho‘o- and ha‘a- as a prefix.
- (2)
- a.
- ROOT-na: waiho-na (leave-nom) ‘depository’
- b.
- ROOT ‘ana: hele ‘ana (go nom) ‘going’ (gerund)
- c.
- ho‘o-ROOT-na: ho‘o-kahu-na (caus-pray-nom) ‘to ordain a priest’
- d.
- *ha‘a-ROOT-na → unexpected gap in corpus
In order to develop an explanatory analysis, I argue that there is only one underlying causative morpheme and only one underlying nominalizing morpheme present in the data above, with the various surface realizations of these morphemes arising due to whether the relevant affix is attached to the root or not. Under this view, allomorph selection is understood as a type of morpho-syntactically conditioned allomorphy, referencing the concept of ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ allomorphs in the sense of Arad (2003), Embick (2003), and Embick & Marantz (2008); see also Van Hout & Roeper (1998); Borer (1999); Alexiadou (2001); Bobaljik (2000); Borer (2003); Harley (2008; 2009); Alexiadou (2009) and Embick (2010) for antecedents, extensions, and similar analyses from cross-linguistic perspectives. Under this analysis, both causative ha‘a- and nominalizer -na are root-selecting (or, ‘inner’) allomorphs, which explains their absence of co-occurence without recourse to a stipulated rule. This analysis therefore requires a null morpheme in the representation of (1a), such that causative ho‘o- is in a non-root-selecting (or, ‘outer’) position; I present a detailed look at the argument-structural properties of ho‘o- and ha‘a- in order to justify this representation.
The proposed analysis adopts a Distributed Morphology framework (Halle & Marantz 1993; Marantz 1997) in order to characterize the data set, according to which there exists only one root-attaching position for any given root. Empirically, this paper includes novel observations of Hawaiian valency morphology obtained through corpus searches, as well as a comprehensive description of causative morphemes in Hawaiian, updating Elbert & Pukui (1979)’s work in this domain. I argue that an analysis of these valency-related morphemes in Hawaiian, including the relevant corpus results, is best understood via a model in which a single root-attaching position is available, such that root-attachment may yield various types of ‘listed’ phenomenon, such as idiosyncratic selection, interpretation, and allomorphy.
1.1 Language overview and data sources
The language discussed in this paper is Hawaiian, the native language of Hawai‘i, which is currently endangered (NeSmith 2016). Hawaiian is a verb-initial language with nominative/accusative case marking. The standard word order is VSO, with embedded clauses occurring in the same position as objects.
There are two primary dialects of Hawaiian in current use: the ‘University’ dialect associated with the language revitalization movement, and the Ni‘ihau dialect, which is spoken on Ni‘ihau and Kaua‘i. However, most linguistic documentation of Hawaiian represents an older variety of the language, and is based on the work of Elbert & Pukui, the latter of whom was a native speaker. The data in this paper comes primarily from their work, including their grammar (Elbert & Pukui 1979) and dictionary (Elbert & Pukui 1986). Additional data comes from Hawkins (1979), which primarily focuses on sentence structure for the same dialect. Therefore, the data in this paper represent the grammar as understood by speakers somewhat removed from the present day, and should not be taken to represent either modern variety (see also Alderete & MacMillan (2015) for discussion).
Elbert & Pukui (1986), the standard dictionary of Hawaiian, is a particularly rich source of data, with nearly 30,000 headwords and extensive examples which include morphological information. In order to perform corpus searching on this dictionary, a publicly available electronic copy of the 1986 dictionary was downloaded, text-normalized, and converted to a single text file.1 While many of the specific examples in this paper come from Elbert & Pukui’s documentation, several novel generalizations about co-occurrence (or non co-occurrence) have been enabled via corpus search of their (1986) dictionary.
2 Nominalization
While the bulk of this paper covers causative morphology, I begin by focusing on two common nominalizers in Hawaiian, the suffix -na and the free particle ‘ana.2 I will argue that -na is a root attached nominalizer, with properties that pattern with R-nominals in terms of the typology of nominalization due to Grimshaw (1990). In contrast, the particle ‘ana has the properties of an Event (or AS-) nominal, which, I argue, follows from its status as an outer-attached nominal. After establishing the properties of these nominalizers, I will turn to the arguably more complex data on causatives, ultimately arguing that causatives interact with nominalizing morphology in terms of root versus non-root attached allomorphs.
The nominalizers -na and ‘ana differ both semantically and phonologically. For example, -na, but not ‘ana, can yield idiosyncratic interpretations, as illustrated in (3). Further, -na, but not ‘ana, can induce root allomorphy via vowel shortening (4) and lengthening (5). As opposed to some phonological process discussed below in connection with causatives, the root allomorphy in (4) and (5) does not appear to be related to an independent process of stress assignment; rather, this root allomorphy appears to be idiosyncratic for the specific root in question. For example, compare (3d) and (5a), which have the same syllabic structure, with only (5a) having vowel alteration in the root. These forms also differ in terms of productivity; -na only occurs on a limited number of roots, while ‘ana is not limited in this way (Elbert & Pukui 1979: 81).
- (3)
- a.
- hiki ‘to arrive’ → hiki-na ‘east’
- b.
- holoholo ‘to run about’ → holoholo-na ‘animal’
- c.
- waiho ‘to leave’ → waiho-na ‘depository’
- d.
- kuhi ‘to show’ → kuhi-na ‘councilor’
- e.
- ‘ohā ‘taro shoot’ → ‘oha-na ‘family’
- (4)
- -na suffixation with vowel shortening
- a.
- hāpai ‘to carry’ → hapai-na ‘carrying’
- b.
- kālai ‘to carve’ → kalai-na ‘carving’
- (5)
- -na suffixation with vowel lengthening
- a.
- ‘ali ‘to scar’ → ‘āli-na ‘scar’
- b.
- koi ‘to urge’ → kōi-na ‘urging’
Turning now to ‘ana, the following pairs illustrate (a) non-nominalized and (b) nominalized examples from Hawkins (1979: 94). Note that the gloss ‘nom’ indicates nominalization in these examples. Nominalizations with ‘ana have the same argument structure as they would when not nominalized. In terms of case marking, objects remain case-marked with i, and the subject of the nominalized clause appears in the possessive.3
- (6)
- a.
- hele
- go
- ‘o
- subj
- ia
- he
- i
- to
- ke
- the
- kula
- school
- ‘he goes to the school’
- b.
- kona
- his
- hele
- go
- ‘ana
- nom
- i
- to
- ke
- the
- kula
- school
- ‘his going to the school’
- (7)
- a.
- lohe
- hear
- nā
- the.pl
- ‘ōhua
- servant
- i
- obj
- keia
- this
- lono
- news
- ‘the servants hear the news’
- b.
- ka
- the
- lohe
- hear
- ‘ana
- nom
- o
- of
- nā
- the.pl
- ‘ōhua
- servant
- i
- obj
- keia
- this
- lono
- news
- ‘the servants’ hearing of this news’
Additional examples from older, textual sources appear in Elbert & Pukui (1979), repeated here as (8) and (9), further illustrate nominalizing ‘ana; literal translations are provided in addition to the original translations.
- (8)
- ko‘u
- my
- ho‘o-moe
- caus-sleep
- maika‘i
- well
- ‘ana
- nom
- iāia
- him
- ‘my placing him carefully down to sleep’
- [lit. ‘my putting him carefully to sleep’, poetic for ‘my burying him’]
- (9)
- ma
- on
- kēia
- this
- pa‘i
- evict
- ‘ana
- nom
- a
- of
- ‘Aikanaka
- ‘Aikanaka
- i
- obj
- nā
- the.pl
- mākua
- parents
- ‘the eviction by ‘Aikanaka of his parents’
- [lit. “Aikanaka’s evicting his parents’]
Unlike the suffix -na, the ‘ana nominalizer is a free particle. For example, an adverb can appear between the verb and ‘ana, as the adverb ka‘awale does in (10) and maika‘i does in (8). ‘ana typically occurs between adverbs and directional markers such as mai, as illustrated in (11).
- (10)
- ma
- at
- kēia
- this
- noho
- stay
- ka‘awale
- apart
- ‘ana
- nom
- ‘at this staying apart’
- (11)
- ka
- the
- hele
- come
- ‘āwīwī
- quick
- ‘ana
- nom
- mai
- here
- ‘the quick coming’
‘ana can also occur with the passive particle ‘ia, in which case ‘ana follows the passive particle (12). The two nominalizing forms can also co-occur, as in (13), in which a -na suffixed form is itself nominalized with the free particle form.
- (12)
- a.
- (ka
- the
- māhalo
- thanks
- nui
- big
- loa)
- very
- …i
- …prep
- ko‘u
- my
- hāpai
- exalt
- ‘ia
- pass
- ‘ana
- nom
- i
- as
- kia‘āina
- governor
- ‘(many thanks) …for my being exalted as governor’ (Chung 1973)
- b.
- ka
- the
- pepehi
- hit
- ‘ia
- pass
- ‘ana
- nom
- o
- of
- ke
- the
- keiki
- child
- ‘the beating of the child’ (Hawkins 1979)
- (13)
- ke
- the
- kaupale-na
- partition-nom
- ‘ana
- nom
- i
- of
- ka
- the
- mana‘o
- condition
- ‘the imposition of a condition’ (Elbert & Pukui 1986)
A comparison between nominalization with -na and ‘ana can be made with reference to Grimshaw (1990)’s classification of R-nominals versus Event/AS-nominals. (See also Borer (2003) and Alexiadou (2010) for extensions and commentary on these categories.) According to Grimshaw, some key properties of R(eferential)-nominals include that they lack event roles, have only optional complements, lack (or only have optionally) event readings, and resist agent-oriented modifiers. Properties of AS(Argument-Structure)-nominals that are relevant for the current analysis include event interpretation, event-related roles, and obligatory argument structure.
Given the evidence here, nominalizations with -na have the properties of R-nominals, in that they do not have obligatory arguments, nor do they have an event reading. When comparing -na with ‘ana, Elbert & Pukui (1979: 80) state that “the semantic difference is that -na words usually designate a single act or object …, whereas the combination of verb + ‘ana usually represents an ongoing process, frequently translated into English by the present participle.” Nominalization with ‘ana has the properties of AS-nominals, insofar as these have obligatory arguments, can take aspectual modifiers, and have an event reading.
Despite the differences between -na and ‘ana, I argue that these are two surface realizations of the same underlying morpheme, the category defining n. Within such an analysis, the semantic and phonological differences between -na and ‘ana are explained by their attachment position relative to the root. In the following section, I review literature that characterizes syntactically conditioned allomorphy in terms of attachment position within a morpho-syntactic framework for morphology.
2.1 Root vs. non-root selection: Theoretical framework
Following Arad (2003), the difference between -na and ‘ana nominalization could be characterized in terms of ‘inner/low’ and ‘outer/high’ attachment in a binary-branching, syntactically oriented framework, a line of inquiry that has been very productive cross-linguistically (see e.g. Travis (2000b); Harley (2008); Embick & Marantz (2008), and Bye & Svenonius (2012), inter alia, as well as Kratzer (1996) and Marantz (1997) for antecedent research). Under such an approach, -na and ‘ana may be characterized as allomorphs of one underlying morpheme. In other words, the realization of a morpheme may be conditioned by syntactic position, namely root-attached versus non-root attached.
Arad (2003)’s work on Hebrew and English illustrate this model. Arad, following Marantz (2000), argues that a fundamental difference obtains between morpheme attachment to roots versus morpheme attachment to ‘words,’ which she takes to consist of at least a root and an additional (possibly null) morpheme. Typically, the root-attaching morpheme (but never the root itself) defines the category/part of speech label of the stem, while the root itself is unspecified for category. According to this model, a single morpheme, e.g. a nominalizer, can attach to either a root or a word, but with quite different results. Therefore, properties that superficially appear to be the result of different processes or rules are actually the result of attachment position: root versus non-root.
A key idea for this model is that roots are underspecified both semantically and phonologically. A root becomes a stem/word upon its first, root-attaching affixation, after which semantic and certain phonological properties become fully specified. Additional affixations must refer to the properties that obtained after the initial attachment; in this way, root attachment is privileged over non-root attachment. Arad illustrates the semantic consequences of this model with Hebrew, in which a template root combines with a pattern (also known as a binyan), yielding words with different parts of speech and different, though related, meanings. In (14), the phonological relationship between the various nouns and verbs is clear (they all contain the root elements s-g-r), but the semantic relationship is less clear. While all of the words share a core meaning, each form’s specific meaning only obtains in the context of the (non-concatenative) affixation.
- (14)
- Root:
- a.
- CaCaC (v) → sagar, v. ‘close’
- b.
- hiCCiC (v), → hisgir, v. ‘extradite’
- c.
- hitCaCCeC (v), → histager, v. ‘cocoon oneself’
- d.
- CeCeC (n), → seger, n. ‘closure’
- e.
- CoCCayim (n), → sograyium, n. ‘parentheses’
- f.
- miCCeCet (n), → misgeret, n. ‘frame’
- (15)
- CiCCeC (v), → misger, v. ‘to frame’
However, further affixation on any word form/stem does not yield the type of semantic instability illustrated in (14). Instead, affixation on a word (root plus affix, also known as a stem) must refer to the meaning of that word, and not to the underspecified meaning of the root. For example, Arad (2003) argues that the verb (15) is derived from the noun (14f). Here, the meaning of the derived verb transparently refers to the meaning of the noun stem. In other words, ‘inner’ or root-selecting affixation is unpredictable, while ‘outer’ or non-root selecting affixation is predictable.
A key property of this morpho-syntactic model of morphology is that roots are underspecified semantically and unspecified categorically; therefore, a root is never allowed to stand alone without at least one (possibly null) affix. At the same time, morphology is accomplished in the same representational space as syntax, as illustrated in the representations below (repeated from Arad (2003)).
- (16)
- root-derived noun:
- (17)
- noun-derived verb:
Within this framework, root versus non-root attachment also explains phonological effects on both roots and affixes. Arad (2003) illustrates phonological effects on the root with ‘zero-derived’ (null affixed) forms as in English (18), in which forms with null v versus null n affixation result in different stress patterns on the root. However, when a verb has the ‘nominal’ stress pattern (e.g. pérmit, ‘to issue a permit’), this form’s meaning is tightly linked to the meaning of the nominal form; in this case, the stress pattern resulting from root-attached n (resulting in a noun) determines the stress pattern of the noun-derived verb.
- (18)
- a.
- pérmitn [ n]→ pérmitv [[ n] v]] ‘to issue a permit’
- (compare to permítvmissing [ v], ‘to allow’)
- b.
- cómpoundn [ n] → cómpoundv [[ n] v]] ‘to compound one or more elements’
- (compare to compóundvmissing [ v], ‘to worsen, to accrue interest, etc.’)
Root-attached affixes can also have their spell-out affected by the root, yielding unpredictable forms. Embick (2010) argues that the inner versus outer attached distinction results in the irregular spell-out of nominalizing n as -age, -tion, -al in (19), whereas non-root-attached n always gets the same spell-out for the associated gerunds, namely -ing. A key point for the data set in (19) is that the same n affix is implicated in all of these forms, with their pronunciation determined by morpho-syntactic context.
- (19)
- a.
- [ n] → marr-age
- b.
- [[ v] n] → marry-ing
- c.
- [ n] → destruc-tion
- d.
- [[ v] n] → destroy-ing
- e.
- [ n] → refus-al
- f.
- [[ v] n] → refus-ing
Returning to the analysis of -na and ‘ana, these appear to have the properties of R- and AS-nominals, respectively. As discussed by Embick (2010), the difference between R-nominals and AS-nominals can be modeled within this framework in the following way. Taking both -na and ‘ana to be allomorphs of n, -na is the root selecting, or inner, allomorph, while ‘ana selects vP, which nominalizes an event with complete argument structure (see also Marantz (1997); Van Hout & Roeper (1998); Borer (1999); Alexiadou (2009) and, Harley (2009) for related proposals, as well as Chomsky (1970) for antecedent research). According to this approach, the verb and related nominalization with -na in (20) have the representations in (21) and (22), in which the relevant category-defining morpheme, v or n, attaches to the root directly.
- (20)
- a.
- waiho ‘to leave’
- b.
- waiho-na ‘depository’
- (21)
- (22)
The representation of a phrase nominalized by ‘ana, such as (23), repeated from (10), has the structure in (24). Because n selects vP in (24), an eventive reading is expected. The spell-out of n for the relevant allomorphs appears as (25).
- (23)
- ma
- at
- kēia
- this
- noho
- stay
- ka‘awale
- apart
- ‘ana
- nom
- ‘at this staying apart’
- (24)
- (25)
- Spell-out of n
- a.
- n ↔ ‘ana /______ {vP}
- b.
- n ↔ -na /______ {√root,…}
Because roots are semantically underspecified in this framework, nominalization with -na, as the inner allomorph of n, can have an idiomatic interpretation, as illustrated in (3). According to (Elbert & Pukui 1979: 81), nominalization with ‘ana yields predictable interpretations, as expected given its status as an outer allomorph. In the same passage, Elbert & Pukui note that ‘ana has a wide distribution, while -na “is suffixed to only a few verbs and not to loanwords (it is not productive).” This difference in distribution is explained by (25), insofar as ‘ana combines with vP, while the distribution of -na is tied to specific roots.
The analysis of ‘ana in (25) also predicts that nominalization with ‘ana always has event structure. This prediction is borne out, even for examples in which ‘ana appears to nominalize a noun directly. According to Elbert & Pukui (1979), when ‘ana nominalizes an underived noun, this “seems to give a verblike meaning to the head noun.” (26) and (27) illustrate the pattern of data. The event interpretation of these examples can be accounted for if the root is first selected by null v, prior to nominalization with ‘ana. In other words, while the analysis of (26) and (27) depends on a null v in their representation, this representation is justified given the event interpretation.
- (26)
- a.
- ‘āina ‘land’
- a.
- ka
- the
- ‘āina
- land
- ‘ana
- nom
- ‘the giving/forming/distribution of the land
- (27)
- a.
- mahi‘ai ‘farmer’
- a.
- ka
- the
- mahi‘ai
- farmer
- ‘ana
- nom
- o
- of
- ka
- the
- ‘āina
- land
- ‘the farming of the land’
To summarize, while -na and ‘ana are both nominalizers, their behavior is quite different. Nominalization with -na, but not ‘ana, can result in idiomatic interpretations and root allomorphy, whereas nominalization with ‘ana, but not -na results in an eventive reading which is nonetheless predictable (similar to English gerunds with suffix -ing). Despite these differences, I have argued that the nominalizers -na and ‘ana are surface realizations of the same underlying morpheme, n. Their surface pronunciations (-na versus ‘ana), as well as their different properties are a result of different attachment positions.4 In the next sections, I extend the root- versus non-root attachment analysis to a complex set of valency increasing morphemes.
3 Causatives and valency increase
Elbert & Pukui (1979) describe several prefixes which they describe as both causative and simulative morphemes. According to the structuralist analysis in Elbert & Pukui (1979: 65), one of these morphemes, ho‘o-, is always the leftmost prefix on a verb. Moving inwards towards the verbal root, Elbert & Pukui describe several additional causative/simulative morphemes, which mostly occur in complementary distribution on different roots; these include ha‘a-, kā-, ‘ā- (of which ha‘a- is the most frequent), and several additional but rare alternants. In order to illustrate the basic properties of these morphemes and their interaction, I begin by focusing on the core cases of ho‘o- and ha‘a-.
The prefix ho‘o- is widespread in Hawaiian and also highly productive, as evidenced by its combination with recent loanwords (Elbert & Pukui 1979: 77). ho‘o- has phonologically conditioned allomorphs ho‘o-, ho‘-, ho-, hō-, and hō‘-, which depend on the properties of the first syllable of the stem. Affixation of ho‘o- can also trigger vowel length alternation in the stem, which is related to stress patterns (Alderete & MacMillan 2015; Elbert & Pukui 1986). While Elbert & Pukui (1979) describe ho‘o- as a causative morpheme, ho‘o- can affix to several types of word class, including intransitive verbs (28), transitive verbs (29), adjectives (30), and nouns (31) (though note that ‘word class’ is not a property of roots in the framework adopted here).5
- (28)
- a.
- hele ‘to go’
- b.
- ho‘o-hele ‘to set in motion’
- (29)
- a.
- ‘ai ‘to eat’
- b.
- hō-‘ai ‘to feed’
- (30)
- a.
- ola ‘alive’
- b.
- ho‘-ōla ‘to save’
- (31)
- a.
- hale ‘house’
- b.
- ho‘o-hale ‘to house’
Elbert & Pukui (1979) also describe a ‘simulative’ use of ho‘o-, which typically combines with a stem or root to mean that the subject behaves like, or pretends to behave like, the stem, which is typically a noun or adjective, resulting in an intransitive verb. Examples (32–34) illustrate the range of simulative uses of ho‘o-. I assume that the different types of interpretation for a simulative (e.g. ‘behave, act, feign’) arise via pragmatic inferencing.
- (32)
- a.
- haole ‘white person’
- b.
- ho‘o-haole ‘to act like a white person’
- (33)
- a.
- wahine ‘woman’
- b.
- ho‘o-wahine ‘to behave like a woman, to grow into womanhood, to be effeminate’
- (34)
- a.
- kuli ‘deaf’
- b.
- ho‘o-kuli ‘to act deaf or to feign deafness’
Descriptively, ho‘o- appears to increase the valency of the stem to which it attaches in a very general sense: nouns and stative adjectives become intransitive verbs, intransitive verbs become transitive verbs, and transitive verbs become ditransitive. For this reason, ho‘o- has a broader distribution as compared to morphemes that are often labelled causative in other languages (e.g. Japanese sase, see (Harley 2008) for review).
In other words, prefixation of ho‘o- typically adds an argument, increasing the valency of the stem to which it attaches; potential exceptions to this generalization are discussed below. With respect to ho‘o- being a ‘causative’ morpheme, this can be confusing as the term ‘causative’ itself has different meanings in the literature. Sometimes, ‘causative’ is used to mean ‘not inchoative,’ as in the contrast in (35), in which (35b) undergoes valency increase in absence of an explicit causer argument. Alternatively, ‘causative’ is sometimes used to describe verbs which include both a causer and a causee type argument, which is typically expressed in English via a specific lexical item (e.g. ‘see’ vs. ‘show’) or via a periphrastic construction, as in the given paraphrase for (36). For Hawaiian, ho‘o- is implicated in both types of causative, as ho‘o- prefixed stems can derive both ditransitives, with causer-causee argument structure, as well as transitive (i.e. not inchoative) verbs, in addition to intransitive verbs, as in the ‘simulative’ use described above. For this reason, I analyze it as a general valency-increasing morpheme.
- (35)
- a.
- The vase broke. (inchoative)
- b.
- Watson broke the vase. (causative)
- (36)
- Watson showed Sherlock the clue. ≈ Watson made/let Sherlock see the clue.
When ho‘o- does have a typical causative reading (on either definition of ‘causative’), a derived transitive (37) takes on the case marking properties of a standard transitive. Case marking for derived ditransitives also behaves as expected, with the direct object in the causative case-marked accusative (38).6
- (37)
- a.
- Mākaukau
- ready
- ka
- the
- mea
- thing
- ‘ai.
- food
- ‘The food is ready.’
- b.
- Ua
- perf
- ho‘o-mākaukau
- caus-ready
- ‘o
- subj
- Manu
- Manu
- i
- obj
- ka
- the
- mea
- thing
- ‘ai.
- food
- ‘Manu prepared the food.’ (Hawkins 1979: 24)
- (38)
- a.
- Ua
- perf
- ‘ike
- see
- ke
- the
- koa
- warrior
- i
- obj
- ka
- the
- ihe.
- spear
- ‘The warrior saw the spear.’
- b.
- Ua
- perf
- hō-‘ike
- caus-see
- ke
- the
- koa
- warrior
- i
- obj
- ka
- the
- ihe
- spear
- i
- to
- kona
- his
- ‘enemi.
- enemy
- ‘The warrior showed the spear to his enemy.’ (Hawkins 1979: 24)
In addition to ho‘o-, Elbert & Pukui (1979) describe the prefix ha‘a- as having, like ho‘o-, both causative and simulative uses, with phonologically conditioned allomorphs hā- and ha-. The prefix ha‘a-, like ho‘o-, can attach to apparent nouns (39, 40), creating verbs. ha‘a- can also attach to nouns and derive the simulative meaning, as in (41).7 (I will argue below that the apparent nouns in these cases are actually roots.)
- (39)
- a.
- lau ‘leaf’
- b.
- ha‘a-lau ‘to produce leaves’
- (40)
- a.
- kia ‘nail, spike’
- b.
- hā-kia ‘to nail, fasten’
- (41)
- a.
- koa‘e ‘tropicbird’
- b.
- ha‘a-koa‘e ‘to act like the tropicbird’
As with ho‘o-, when a verb is prefixed with ha‘a-, case properties behave as expected. For example, in (42a), the verb lele is used intransitively to mean ‘depart,’ and the sole argument is nominative (unmarked). In (42b), ha‘a-lele ‘depart’ is now transitive, with a nominative subject and accusative object.
- (42)
- a.
- Ua
- perf
- lele
- depart(intrans)
- ka
- the
- hanu
- breath
- o
- of
- Moa.
- Moa
- ‘Moa’s breath has departed.’
- b.
- Ha‘a-lele
- caus-depart(trans)
- koa
- koa
- wa‘a
- canoe
- i
- obj
- koa
- koa
- kanaka.
- people
- ‘The koa canoe leaves the warriors (lit. ‘koa men’).’ (Pukui 1983)
Under Elbert & Pukui’s structuralist analysis, ho‘o- and ha‘a- are separate morphemes which attach in different positions in affixal structure. Here, I will argue, pace Elbert & Pukui, that ho‘o- and ha‘a- should be analyzed as syntactically conditioned allomorphs, parallel to the analysis of nominalizers -na and ‘ana discussed above.
3.1 Interpretation and interaction
While ho‘o- and ha‘a- are historically related (both being related to Proto-Polynesian faka- (Elbert & Pukui 1986)), it is not immediately obvious if these should be treated as separate morphemes or as allomorphs in the synchronic grammar. While I will argue for an analysis in which ho‘o- and ha‘a- are syntactically conditioned allomorphs, Elbert & Pukui (1979) treat ho‘o- and ha‘a- as separate morphemes.
On the semantic side, Elbert & Pukui (1979) motivate their analysis by the fact that ho‘o- and ha‘a- can occur with the same root, deriving the same meaning (43, 44); the glosses for (43c) and (44c) are reproduced exactly as they appear in Elbert & Pukui (1986). Within Elbert & Pukui’s structuralist framework, the fact that both ho‘o- and ha‘a- can occur on the same root, with no clear conditioning factor governing their distribution, suggests that these be treated as separate morphemes.
- (43)
- a.
- ko‘o ‘brace, prop, pole’
- b.
- ho‘o-ko‘o ‘to prop with a pole’
- c.
- ha‘a-ko‘o (same as ho‘o-ko‘o)
- (44)
- a.
- ‘awe ‘pack, knapsack’
- b.
- hō-‘āwe ‘to carry on the back’
- c.
- hā-‘awe (same as hō-‘āwe)
Further, Elbert & Pukui (1979) point out that ho‘o- can attach to a ha‘a- prefixed stem (i.e. ho‘o-ha‘a-root), but never the converse. For an example such as (45), prefixation of ho‘o- and ha‘a- results in valency increase with each prefixation, as in (45c); (46) illustrates the same pattern of data. Given Elbert & Pukui’s structuralist perspective, this is taken as evidence that ho‘o- and ha‘a- have separate, dedicated positions in the verbal structure.
- (45)
- a.
- nui ‘large’
- b.
- ha‘a-nui ‘to brag, exaggerate’
- c.
- ho‘o-ha‘a-nui ‘to cause to brag’
- (46)
- a.
- nini ‘to pour’
- b.
- ha-nini ‘to overflow’
- c.
- ho‘o-ha-nini ‘to cause an overflow’
Corpus analysis on Elbert & Pukui (1986)’s dictionary bears out Elbert & Pukui (1979)’s intuition that ho‘o- may prefix to ha‘a-, but not the other way around. While forms with the struture ho‘o-ha‘a-root are well attested (see e.g. (45c) and (46c)), corpus analysis (considering also phonologically conditioned allomorphs) yields only one result for a potential ha‘a-ho‘o-root form. However, this form (47) is a noun, which is listed with the ‘rare’ tag in the dictionary; if it does involve the same ha‘a- and ho‘o- discussed here, either in the grammar described here or in some earlier form of the language recorded in the dictionary via textual source, this form does not appear to involve a valency increasing use of ha‘a-. Note that ho‘oili (‘to bequeath’) is, however, derived from ili (‘inheritance,’ ‘to inherit (intransitive)’).
- (47)
- hāho‘oili (noun; rare) ‘hereditary stalk; established people with inherited land’
However, ho‘o- and ha‘a- do not behave identically. In particular, prefixation with ha‘a- (like the nominalizer -na) can yield idiosyncratic interpretations, unlike ho‘o-. While it is true that ho‘o- and ha‘a- can attach to the same word and derive the same or similar meanings, as in (43) and (44), some ha‘a- derived forms have less predictable meanings, whereas ho‘o- is generally transparent semantically.
For example, lele is an intransitive verb, and ho‘o-lele is a transitive verb that extends those meanings (48). However, ha‘a-lele has a slightly different set of meanings that are not obvious from the meaning of lele. When both prefixes occur, as in ho‘o-ha‘a-lele, the meaning is derived from the meaning of the ha‘a- prefixed form, not from the meaning of the root alone.8
- (48)
- a.
- lele (intransitive verb) ‘to fly, jump; to rush out, as to attack; to disembark; …’
- b.
- ho’o-lele (transitive verb) ‘to cause to fly; to fly, as a kite; to embark, as on a project …’
- c.
- ha‘a-lele (transitive verb) ‘to leave, desert, abandon …’
- d.
- ho’o-ha’a-lele ‘to pretend to quit or leave; to cause to quit’
Further, ho‘o-, if present, is always the leftmost causative/simulative prefix; ho‘o- is also fully productive, as discussed above. Ha‘a-, though, does not occur on all roots. Instead, other morphemes occur with the same meaning as ha‘a-, in particular ‘ā- and kā-. Elbert & Pukui (1979: 65, 68–71) also define these as ‘causative/simulative’ (though unproductive) and treat them on a par with ha‘a-. In addition, in some cases more than one of these three morphemes (ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-) can occur on the same root, but with slightly different senses. (49) and (50) illustrate the valency increasing uses of prefix ‘ā- and kā-, respectively.
- (49)
- a.
- hewa ‘mistake’
- b.
- ‘ā-hewa ‘to condemn’
- (50)
- a.
- hinu ‘lustrous’
- b.
- kā-hinu ‘to annoint’
While ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā- are generally in complementary distribution, a limited number of roots take both ‘ā- and kā- (Elbert & Pukui 1979: 68), usually with a slightly different shade of meaning (51, 52).
- (51)
- a.
- muku ‘cut short’
- b.
- ‘ā-muku ‘to cut off’
- c.
- kā-muku ‘to diminish’
- (52)
- a.
- wili ‘to twist’
- b.
- ‘ā-wili ‘to mix’
- c.
- kā-wili ‘to snare’
As with roots prefixed with ha‘a-, roots prefixed with ‘ā- and kā- can have ho‘o- as an additional prefix. And, parallel to the ho‘o-ha‘a-root forms discussed above, ho‘o- increases the valency of the stem, maintaining the derived meaning, typically deriving a transitive from an intransitive, as in (53) and (54).
- (53)
- a.
- pono ‘proper’
- b.
- ‘ā-pono ‘to approve’ (intransitive)
- c.
- ho-‘ā-pono ‘to approve, accept, justify, find not guilty in a trail’ (transitive)
- (54)
- a.
- huli ‘to turn’
- b.
- kā-huli ‘to change’ (intransitive)
- c.
- ho‘o-kā-huli ‘to change’ (transitive)
A preliminary attempt at characterizing the data in this section leads to the following conclusions, though several additional patterns of data are discussed below, leading to a more complete analysis. First, three prefixes, all less productive than ho‘o-, are mostly in complementary distribution with each other: ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-. These three morphemes generally increase the valency of the root to which they attach, though the behavior of these prefixes is more fully specified in the following section. In the rare case that more than one of ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā- can attach to a root, there typically obtains an interpretation that is not fully transparent. At the same time, a different form, ho‘o-, can co-occur with the three morphemes ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-, always attached in the ‘leftmost’ position, and with no competing allomorph, setting aside surface phonological alternations.
Within the framework summarized above, I argue that the Hawaiian causative/simulative affixes should be understood in terms of root versus non-root attachment. Specifically, ho‘o- is the outer-attached realization of a type of verbal affix, while the other forms are inner-attached realizations of the same morpheme; direct root attachment can then induce root-conditioned allomorph selection (e.g. ha‘a-, ‘ā-, or kā-) as well as non-transparent semantics, as discussed above with respect to (48), (53), and (54). The ‘outer’-attaching head is not local to the root, and therefore does not participate in root-conditioned allomorph selection. Finally, outer attachment (the ho‘o- forms), being non-local to the root, always results in transparent semantics.
3.2 Morpho-syntactic status of the Hawaiian causative
In this section, I further consider the status of ho‘o- and ha‘a- with respect to their status as potential allomorphs and some theoretical considerations for causatives more broadly. While the analysis of ha‘a- (and related forms) poses some complications, I begin with a discussion of ho‘o-, which patterns with other cognate forms in Polynesian.
For example, Gould et al. (2009) discuss the status of the Niuean prefix faka-. As illustrated in (55), (56), and (57), the core cases of affixation with Niuean faka- pattern with those of Hawaiian ho‘o-. Like with Hawaiian, affixation with faka- can also indicate intention. According to Gould et al. (2009), faka- selects a vP (which itself may have a vP, aP, or nP complement), along similar lines to the analysis presented here for Hawaiian ho‘o-.
- (55)
- a.
- tū ‘to stand’
- b.
- faka-tū ‘to make stand’
- (56)
- a.
- fī ‘enemy’
- b.
- faka-fī ‘to niggle’
- (57)
- a.
- Niue ‘Niue’
- b.
- faka-Niue ‘the Niuean way’
Samoan fa‘a- is extensively discussed by Tollan (2018) and Hopperdietzel (2021), with core cases appearing in (58) and (59) (Tollan 2018: 27).
- (58)
- a.
- Sā
- pst
- puna
- boil
- le
- the
- vai.
- water
- ‘The water boiled.’
- b.
- Sā
- pst
- fa‘a-puna
- caus-boil
- e
- erg
- le
- the
- teine
- girl
- le
- the
- vai.
- water
- ‘The girl boiled the water.’
- (59)
- a.
- Sā
- pst
- siva
- dance
- le
- the
- teine.
- woman
- ‘The woman danced.’
- b.
- Sā
- pst
- fa‘a-siva
- caus-dance
- e
- erg
- le
- the
- tamaloa
- man
- le
- the
- teine.
- woman
- ‘The man made the woman dance.’
As Tollan (2018) points out, Samoan fa‘a- derives causatives from unaccusative, unergative, and middle predicates. However, an important difference between Samoan and Hawaiian is that fa‘a- appears to be more restricted than ho‘o-, insofar as Samoan fa‘a- does not apply to transitive verbs with ergative case-assigned subjects; while outside the scope of this paper, these differences may be in part due to the difference in case marking alignment between the two languages. Like Hawaiian ho‘o-, Samoan fa‘a- introduces a volitional agent.
Similar to the analysis of ho‘o- proposed here for Hawaiian, Hopperdietzel (2021: 130) argues that Samoan fa‘a- does not select roots based on the following evidence: i) the absence of root-driven allomorphy, ii) the absence of idiosyncratic readings for fa‘a- -prefixed words (contrasted with Samoan prefix ta-, which Hopperdietzel does analyze as root-selecting), and iii) preservation of meaning for fa‘a- prefixed words under root-selecting nominalization. Hopperdietzel’s analysis of fa‘a- as an outer causative allomorph and less productive ta- prefix as an inner causative allomorph therefore parallels the analysis of causatives presented here with respect to Hawaiian.
While having properties of a non-root-selecting affix, Tollan (2018) argues that Samoan fa‘a- is a Voice head with respect to the ‘bundling’ parameter for verbal heads proposed Pylkkänen (2008), according to which specific languages may realize different verbal properties (Voice, causation, transitivity, etc.) on either individual or conflated heads (see also Nie (2020) for extensions of this model). Hopperdietzel (2021) suggests that Samoan fa‘a- has properties of both Voice bundling and non-Voice bundling languages; the restriction against fa‘a- with transitive verbs that have ergative subjects suggests Voice bundling, because fa‘a- introduces causative semantics while also interacting with Voice via the restriction on certain transitives.
Samoan fa‘a- has non-bundling characteristics at the morphological level as well, insofar as fa‘a- co-occurs with passive morphology, according to Hopperdietzel (2021). Legate (2014: 111–118) shows that Malayo-Polynesian Acehnese also allows causative and passive morphology to co-occur, which she argues is strong evidence against a bundling analysis for Acehnese. Like Samoan and Acehnese, Hawaiian also allows ho‘o- with the affixal passive in Hawaiian. For example, (60) and (61) illustrate forms with the passive suffix -C(i)a. In (60), the base ‘ike is modified by ho‘o- resulting in a causative, with the causative form being passivized in (60c). (61) illustrates the same pattern. While I return to a discussion of the Hawaiian passive below, the data here show that ho‘o- and the passive may co-occur.
- (60)
- a.
- ‘ike ‘to see’
- b.
- hō-‘ike ‘to show’
- c.
- hō-‘ike-a ‘to be shown’
- (61)
- a.
- ala ‘path; (intransitive) to waken, stay awake; (intransitive) to arise, get up’
- b.
- ala-hia (pas/imp. of ala)
- c.
- ho‘-āla-hia ‘to awaken; wakefulness; insomnia’
- (62)
- I
- at
- ka
- the
- hiki
- coming
- ho‘-āla-hia
- casu-be.awakened-pass
- nei
- dir
- lā,
- time,
- ē
- imp
- ala
- waken
- mai
- dir
- ‘oe
- you
- ‘the time to be awakened comes, awake’ (Elbert & Pukui 1986)
Given the passive data discussed here, and also considering the lack of Voice/transitive restriction on ho‘o- in Hawaiian (unlike in Samoan), I conclude that Hawaiian is not a Voice bundling language insofar as the causative is concerned. In other words, non-causative v, causative v, and passive v may all occur independently of each other. For example, (60a) and (61a) are verbal non-causatives, while (61b) is a passive in absence of a ho‘o- causative, while (60c) includes both the passive and a ho‘o- causative. Under Pylkkänen (2008)’s analysis, this is evidence that Voice and v are distinct.
Therefore, I will gloss ho‘o- as vcaus. Following Hawkins (1979)’s characterization of the thematic properties of ho‘o-, I take vcaus to be associated with an agentive argument in its specifier, and therefore distinct from transitive/unergative v, which is associated with (at least) agentive and experiencer arguments; in section 4, below, I further explore the relationship between vcaus and v. Therefore, the analysis developed here is similar to that proposed by Harley (2017) for other non-bundling languages, according to which “verbalizing v and causativizing Caus are categorically and morphosyntactically distinct.”
With an analysis of ho‘o- as a non-root selecting allomorph of vcaus in place, I now consider the status of ha‘a- and its alternants. Elbert & Pukui (1986) describe ha‘a- as “a prefix similar in meaning to the causative/simulative ho‘o-,” while Elbert & Pukui (1979: 68) describe the prefixes ‘ā- and kā- as also having meanings similar to ho‘o-. In some cases, the similarity to ho‘o- is clear in terms of valency increase, as in (63, 64), repeated from above.
- (63)
- a.
- lele (intransitive verb) ‘to fly, jump; to rush out, as to attack; to disembark; …’
- b.
- ha‘a-lele (transitive verb) ‘to leave, desert, abandon …’
- (64)
- a.
- nui ‘large’
- b.
- ha‘a-nui ‘to brag, exaggerate’
A key point in the framework adopted here, however, is that roots must have minimally one (often null) affix, with roots themselves being underspecified semantically. Under the analysis in which ha‘a- is a root selecting prefix, it is not attached e.g. to the word lele (63a), but rather to a root which is only indirectly visible (i.e. roots cannot stand alone without an affix). Therefore, the representations of the examples above are arguably as in (65) and (66), under an analysis in which ha‘a- is a root-selecting affix, independent of its status with respect to ho‘o-. Likewise in (66), ha‘a- does not increase the valency of nui the adjective, but rather the root. For this reason, evaluating the status of a root-attached affix is arguably more difficult as compared to outer affixes, which, by definition, attach to stems that have fixed meanings.
- (65)
- a.
- lele → [v [ ]] ‘to fly, jump; to rush out, etc.’
- b.
- ha‘a-lele → [vcaus [ ]] ‘to leave, desert, abandon, etc.’
- (66)
- a.
- nui → [a [ ]] ‘large’
- b.
- ha‘a-nui → [vcaus [ ]] ‘to brag, exaggerate’
In order to characterize the difference between e.g. lele and ha‘a-lele in (65), I propose that v and vcaus are distinct in this grammar. In other words, both (65a) and (65b) represent idiosyncratic interpretations with affix-root structure. Returning to the discussion of Voice-bundling above, a complicating factor is that vcaus, when in root-selecting position, and root-selecting v both act as verbalizers and also argument introducers. However, if the analysis of forms such as (65) is on track, v and vcaus are morphologically distinct heads and therefore not bundled, although both can select roots directly.
Given the available corpus evidence, it is difficult to exactly specify the semantic contribution of v versus vcaus. However, according to Makanani (1973), also cited by Elbert & Pukui (1979), some of the key effects of prefixation with ha‘a- when compared with a form without the prefix include transitivization (67), and verbalization (including turning a form into an unambiguous verb), as in (68)–(70).
- (67)
- a.
- ka‘a ‘to roll’ (intransitive)
- b.
- ‘ā-ka‘a ‘to peel’ (transitive)
- (68)
- a.
- kiu ‘spy’
- b.
- ‘a-kiu ‘to spy’
- (69)
- a.
- liko ‘leaf bud; to bud’ (verb or noun)
- b.
- hā-liko ‘to bud, spring forth’ (verb only)
- (70)
- a.
- la‘i ‘calm, stillness’ (verb or noun)
- b.
- hā-la‘i ‘same as la‘i, calm’ (verb only)
In other cases, meanings of verbs may be different without a change in grammatical status, as in (71), (72), and (73). Other core meanings of these prefixes include no change (72a, 72b), as well as the simulative reading discussed above.9
- (71)
- a.
- inu ‘to drink’
- b.
- hā-inu ‘to give drink’
- (72)
- a.
- lewa ‘to float, swing’ (intransitive)
- b.
- ha‘a-lewa ‘same as lewa’
- c.
- ka‘a-lewa ‘to revolve; to drift’ (intransitive)
- (73)
- a.
- huli ‘to turn, reverse’
- b.
- kā-huli ‘to change, alter’
As discussed above in connection with (65) and (66), the (a) and (b) examples in the previous pairs of words cannot be compared directly in the framework adopted here; rather, each word consists of a null categorizing prefix (v, n, etc.) in the (a) example and vcaus in the (b) example. For the examples in which there is no difference or only a semantic difference between the (a) and (b) forms (e.g. (72a, 72c)), I conclude that the (a) form (with verbalizing v) and the (b) form (with vcaus) have their meaning due to idiosyncratic interpretation (given the semantically underspecified nature of roots).
Given the evidence here (including the commentary included in Elbert & Pukui (1979)), I conclude that ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā- are root-selecting allomorphs of a causative verbal head; grammatically speaking, this causative head adds a specifier, though an understanding of the semantic difference between root-selecting v and vcaus requires additional research. While ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā- are generally in complementary distribution, in some limited cases these can be prefixes to the same root, typically with a different shade of meaning (51, 52), which appear similar to morphological ‘doublets’ (e.g. recitation/recital, cover/coverage) discussed by Halle (1973) and Kiparsky (1982). According to the analysis in Embick (2016), doublets of this kind are restricted to root-selecting allomorphs, and typically involve polysemy, exactly as observed in the Hawaiian cases above.
A comparison of ho‘o-, the outer allomorph, and the inner allomorphs ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-, shows that the differences between the outer and inner allomorphs pattern with other analyses of inner and outer causative attachment in other languages in terms of interpretation and productivity (see e.g. Travis (2000a); Svenonius (2005); Harley (2008)). Differences between the interpretations of outer-attaching ho‘o- and the inner-attaching forms are due to their differing structure, which I examine in more detail in the section 4; additional evidence for ha‘a- as a root-attached form is presented in section 5 in terms of affix co-occurrence restrictions.
Returning now to the analysis of ho‘o-/ha‘a- in terms of inner/outer allomorphs, I argue that there exists one general valency increasing morpheme vcaus, with underlying phonology CV(CV) (ignoring length distinctions on the initial V; note that the glottal stop is phonemic in Hawaiian). This one underlying morpheme would then have the outer allmorph ho‘o- and inner allomorphs ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-, with the morpho-syntactic representation in (74), in which specific allomorphs are selected post-syntactically via late insertion in a realizational framework.
- (74)
- (preliminary analysis)
Under such an analysis, vcaus would have the insertion rules listed in (75). These insertion rules characterize the fact that ho‘o- is always an outer allomorph in the presence of any one of ha‘a-, ‘ā-, or kā-. Further, as ho‘o- can attach to vcaus, the fact that ho‘o- yields only transparent interpretation is derived. However, (75) cannot be a complete analysis, because there are many instances in which ho‘o- appears to attach to the root directly, as in (28–34).
- (75)
- Spell-out of vcaus (preliminary analysis)
- a.
- vcaus ↔ ho‘o-/______ {vcaus}
- b.
- vcaus ↔ ha‘a-/______ {√kia, √koa‘e, √lele,…}
- c.
- vcaus ↔ ‘ā-/______ {√hewa,…}
- d.
- vcaus ↔ kā-/______ {√hinu,…}
While I will ultimately adopt an analysis along the lines of (74,75) for vcaus, several complications remain to be addressed for the analysis of valency increase/causative. These complications involve a more detailed view of the argument structure of words with the relevant prefixes.
4 Extending the analysis of valency increase
While Elbert & Pukui (1979) gloss all of the prefixes discussed thus far as causative or simulative, the argument-structural and semantic properties of these prefixes are more varied than one might expect. According to Hawkins (1979), the term ‘causative’ as applied to ho‘o- is misleading, as it does not always have a clear causative reading. In particular, Hawkins (1979: 24) notes that with transitive verbs, ho‘o- often does not add an argument, but rather “shows that the agency of the verb is more deliberate.”10 From a cross-linguistic perspective, a reading of causative affixes which highlights the intention or deliberate purpose of the agent, without increasing valency, is not uncommon, as noted by Aikhenvald (2011) for a set of typologically diverse languages. For descriptive purposes, I will follow Hawkins (1979) and call this the ‘deliberative’ reading.
- (76)
- a.
- Ua
- perf
- peku
- kick
- ‘o
- subj
- Kale
- Kale
- i
- obj
- ke
- the
- kinipōpō.
- ball
- ‘Kale kicked the ball.’
- b.
- Ua
- perf
- ho‘o-peku
- caus-kick
- ‘o
- subj
- Kale
- Kale
- i
- obj
- ke
- the
- kinipōpō.
- ball
- ‘Kale deliberately kicked the ball.’ (Hawkins 1979: 24)
As suggested by Hawkins (1979: 25), affixation of ho‘o- always results in the subject being agentive/volitional, regardless of the effect on the number of arguments. For example, (77) (repeated from (38)), illustrates the verb ‘ike ‘to see’ taking an additional argument as hō-‘ike ‘to show.’ However, a similar experiencer-type verb, lohe ‘to hear,’ becomes agentive ‘to listen’ with the same prefix (78), but without an increase in valency.
- (77)
- a.
- Ua
- perf
- ‘ike
- see
- ke
- the
- koa
- warrior
- i
- obj
- ka
- the
- ihe.
- spear
- ‘The warrior saw the spear.’
- b.
- Ua
- perf
- hō-‘ike
- caus-see
- ke
- the
- koa
- warrior
- i
- obj
- ka
- the
- ihe
- spear
- i
- to
- kona
- his
- ‘enemi.
- enemy
- ‘The warrior showed the spear to his enemy.’ (Hawkins 1979: 24)
- (78)
- a.
- Ua
- perf
- lohe
- hear
- ka
- the
- luahine
- old-woman
- i
- obj
- na
- the(pl)
- manu.
- bird
- ‘The old woman heard the birds.’
- b.
- Ua
- perf
- ho‘o-lohe
- caus-hear
- ka
- the
- luahine
- old-woman
- i
- obj
- na
- the(pl)
- manu.
- bird
- ‘The old woman listened to the birds.’ (Hawkins 1979: 24)
In order to explain the data in (76–78a), I first consider non-deliberative transitives, such as peku ‘to kick,’ lohe ‘to hear’ and ‘ike ‘to see.’ Following Marantz (1984), Chomsky (1995), Kratzer (1996), and a substantial body of subsequent research, I assume a representation in which a verbal head v introduces the agent or experiencer argument for a simple transitive (for additional references, see Marantz (1997); Hale & Keyser (2002), as well as Pylkkänen (2008) and references therein). Under such analysis, the argument-structural representation of ‘ike ‘to see,’ would be as in (79).
- (79)
Following the analyses in e.g. Pylkkänen (2008), Harley (2008), and Harley (2017), the representation of hō-‘ike, the derived causative ‘to show,’ would include an additional causer argument as compared to the structure in (79). This would result in the following argument-structural representation, not including any subsequent movement operations needed to derive the final word order.
- (80)
The representations in (79) and (80) provide an analysis for (77), in which affixation of ho‘o- transparently increases the number of arguments. The structure in (80) is also consistent with the analysis of ho‘o- in the prior section, insofar as ho‘o- is in the outer domain and not root attached in (80), with verbalizing v being in the inner domain.
This analysis can be extended to the deliberative use of ho‘o- if the ‘causer’ argument and the argument of v are co-indexed. For example, in (78), ho‘o-lohe has the meaning ‘to listen,’ derived from lohe ‘to hear.’ Suppose that, parallel to hō-‘ike, both a causer and an experiencer argument are represented, but in this case the causer argument binds the experiencer argument, such that the causer (argument of ho‘o-) and the experiencer argument of ‘to listen’ are co-indexed. An example such as (78b) would, roughly, have the meaning ‘the woman caused herself to hear the birds.’ This analysis could therefore be understood as a morpho-syntactic implementation of the model of anticausatives proposed in Koontz-Garboden (2009) and Beavers & Koontz-Garboden (2013).11 Under this view, the representation of the deliberative is the same as the transparent causative, but with the relevant co-indexation, as in (81); the same analysis extends to (76) ‘to kick deliberately,’ in which case v is agentive.
- (81)
With respect to the co-indexed arguments in (81), the lower argument must be a null reflexive or, if not, it must be omitted from the final representation in order to satisfy constraints on binding. This analysis facilitates the understanding of ho‘o- as a valency increasing morpheme in both its causative and deliberative uses, thereby unifying the two constructions.12
The model developed thus far can account for additional examples in which affixation of ho‘o- does not transparently increase valency. (82) illustrates a stative base, heo ‘proud,’ and several forms built from this base, where ‘stative’ refers to states of affairs, roughly corresponding to adjectival predicates (Elbert & Pukui 1979: 49). In (82b), ha‘a- is affixed, resulting in an intransitive. (82c) and (82d), however, are somewhat problematic given the analysis thus far; the form with only ho‘o- affixed has no argument structural information listed in the dictionary, but, given the translation, I assume that it is – or at least can be – intransitive, and ho‘o--affixed forms built on statives, as in this case, are commonplace. Finally, the form with ho‘o- and ha‘a- affixed is listed as a ‘causative/simulative,’ and, given the translation, I assume that its primary (perhaps only) use is intransitive.
- (82)
- a.
- heo ‘proud’ (stative)
- b.
- ha‘a-heo ‘proud, haughty; to strut, to cherish with pride’ (intransitive)
- c.
- ho‘o-heo ‘to show off, boast’
- d.
- ho‘o-ha‘a-heo ‘to act haughty’ (listed as ‘causative/simulative’)
To account for this pattern of data, I follow Kratzer (2000) and Embick (2003) in assuming that statives involve an aspect head which is neither eventive nor resultative, i.e. not eventive v (see also Travis (1994) and Harley (1995)). Under this analysis, (82a) has the following representation, in which the aspect head ASP has a null realization.
- (83)
With respect to (82c), which has ho‘o- but, presumably, only one argument, ho‘o- attaches to ASP directly. This accounts for the single argument for this form, while the causative head introduces the eventivity (assuming that causation entails eventivity). The result is the structure in (84), in which I leave the thematic status of the argument unspecified for lack of fine-grained semantic evidence.
- (84)
The final two forms to consider from (82) both involve affixation with ha‘a-. In the situation where ha‘a- appears as the sole affix, vcaus attaches directly to the root, taking the place of v. As with (84), the causative head itself introduces eventivity.
- (85)
With respect to (82d), this is listed as a simulative form, according to which it would have a single argument and the semantics associated with simulative forms, i.e. ‘to act like x, to behave like x, or to pretend to be x.’ Simulative forms with ho‘o-ha‘a- prefixation can be viewed as somewhat parallel to deliberatives. For the deliberative reading, the argument of ho‘o- binds the null argument of v, whereas for a simulative such as ho‘o-ha‘a-heo, the argument of ho‘o- binds a null argument of ha‘a-. Roughly, the interpretation associated with (86) corresponds to the agent causing their own self to take on the properties of the root.
- (86)
Given the analysis pursued here, a number of morphemes can attach locally to a root; thus far, these have included the non-eventive/resultative aspect head ASP, transitive/unergative v, and the valency increasing morpheme, which is realized as one of the phonologically conditioned allomorphs of ha‘a-, or, less commonly, ‘ā- or kā-. When the valency increasing morpheme is in a position that is not local to the root, it is realized as ho‘o- (or one of its phonologically conditioned allomorphs). The composition of these different morphemes yields a number of readings, including ditransitive causatives, deliberative transitives, and simulatives.
A final complication for the analysis of ho‘o- and ha‘a- involve simulative forms derived by prefixation of ho‘o- or ha‘a- directly on the root (in contrast to the pattern with ho‘o-ha‘a-root observed for (82d)). Examples (88)–(90), repeated from (32–34) and (41), illustrate this pattern of data.
- (87)
- a.
- kuli ‘deaf’
- b.
- ho‘o-kuli ‘to act deaf or to feign deafness’
- (88)
- a.
- haole ‘white person’
- b.
- ho‘o-haole ‘to act like a white person’
- (89)
- a.
- wahine ‘woman’
- b.
- ho‘o-wahine ‘to behave like a woman, to grow into womanhood, to be effeminate’
- (90)
- a.
- koa‘e ‘tropicbird’
- b.
- ha‘a-koa‘e ‘to act like the tropicbird’
For these simulatives, I take (87) to follow from the analysis of statives, involving the head ASP, discussed above in connection with (82a). The rest of this data set, however, involves prefixation of ho‘o- or ha‘a- on nouns. In order to account for these data, I adopt the analysis of Embick (2003) and Embick & Marantz (2008), according to which n is a cyclic, category defining head on a par with v. Given that these simulatives have only one argument, a natural way to model this data is to let the causative morpheme either select the root directly (as proposed above for e.g. (85)), in which case the ha‘a- allomorph obtains, or to allow the causative morpheme to select nP, in which case the surface form is ho‘o-. According to this analysis, the representations of (88) and (90) would be as in (91) and (92), respectively.
- (91)
- (92)
4.1 Interim summary
Thus far, I have argued for an analysis of ho‘o-, ha‘a-, and related forms in which these are all allomorphs of one valency increasing morpheme. As the selectional properties and semantics of these forms are exceptionally broad compared to more cross-linguistically familiar cases of causatives, I have treated the underlying morpheme as an agentive, general valency increasing type of verbalizer, labeled vcaus, for the purpose of morpho-syntactic analysis. The key idea advanced here is that ho‘o- is to be treated as an outer allomorph of the valency increasing morpheme, with ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā- being inner allomorphs.
The descriptive literature on Hawaiian has implicated these allomorphs in a number of constructions, including causatives, deliberatives, and simulatives. These different constructions are modeled here via the combination of various morpho-syntactic properties, including the presence of functional heads such as v, ASP, n, null arguments and coindexation, and inner and outer domains for allomorph selection. The outer domain spell-out of vcaus is reflected in (93a), which includes the property of vcaus selecting vcaus (reflecting ho‘o-ha‘a-root forms); following Nie (2020), I assume that vcaus cannot occur more than twice due to independent limits on argument licensing. The other realizations of vcaus all reflect root selection.
- (93)
- Spell-out of relevant morphemes
- a.
- vcaus ↔ ho‘o-/______ {vcaus, v, n, ASP}
- b.
- vcaus ↔ ha‘a-/______ {√kia, √koa‘e, √lele, √root,…}
- c.
- vcaus ↔ ‘ā-/______ {√hewa, √root,…}
- d.
- vcaus ↔ kā-/______ {√hinu, √root,…}
- e.
- v ↔ ∅-/______ {√root}
- f.
- ASP ↔ ∅-/______ {√root}
- g.
- n ↔ ‘ana /______ {vP}
- h.
- n ↔ -na/______ {√root,…}
The model in (93) explains some longstanding generalizations in the descriptive literature (Elbert & Pukui 1979; Hawkins 1979), insofar as ho‘o- attaches to a range of functional heads, with the other valency-increasing allomorphs selecting roots. One such generalization is that ho‘o- is far more productive than any of ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-. This is further reflected in Elbert & Pukui (1979)’s claim (confirmed via corpus search) that ho‘o- can be a prefix for any one of ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-, but never the other way around. Additionally, only ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā- can yield idiosyncratic interpretations, whereas affixation with ho‘o- is always transparent. At the same time, the fact that Elbert & Pukui (1979) call both ho‘o- and ha‘a- ‘causative/simulative’ prefixes is captured here by their analysis as allomorphs of one underlying morpheme, in contrast to Elbert & Pukui (1979)’s own analysis in which these are separate morphemes.
The primary way that these prefixes differ is with respect to their ability to trigger causative semantics, in the ‘make’ or ‘let’ causative sense of the word. Ho‘o-, but apparently not ha‘a-, can derive forms that are expressed by lexical causatives in English, such as ‘feed’ (29) and ‘show’ (77); also, many ho‘o- forms are glossed in Elbert & Pukui (1986) in the form “to cause to [root]", as in (45c), (46c), and (48d). This is relevant because translations of the form “to cause to [root]" indicate causer-causee argument structure, in which an inner form (null v or inner vcaus) introduces a specifier (the causee) in addition to the presence of a higher phrase, headed by outer vcaus (the ho‘o- prefix), which introduces the causer. According the model of causatives developed above, only ho‘o- forms (with or without inner ha‘a-) should allow this type of argument structure, while ha‘a- type causatives should not have this structure unless further affixation with ho‘o- applies.
In order to further examine this semantic element of valency increase, a corpus search of Elbert & Pukui (1986) reveals the gloss “to cause to [root]” for forms with ho‘o- (and its phonologically conditioned allomoprhs) 145 times; these occur as ho‘o--root or ho‘o--ha‘a- or [other causative alternant]-root. Only one instance of the gloss “to cause to” remains in the dictionary, for the word ho‘i, where it is glossed as “To leave, go or come back; to cause to come back.” Hawkins (1979: 25) specifically refers to this use of ho‘i in her discussion of ho‘o- as one (possibly the only) intradirective verb without a ho‘o- form. She speculates that the phonological similarity between ho‘o- and ho‘i might be the cause of this gap.
By comparison, there are no instances of this gloss for forms with ha‘a- or any of its phonologically conditioned allomorphs in Elbert & Pukui (1986). A complicating factor in the descriptive literature involves one exception to the generalization described here, which is given in Elbert & Pukui (1979)’s grammar (but not Elbert & Pukui (1986)’s dictionary) for ha-‘āpuka, where this word is glossed as ‘to cause to cheat’ (Elbert & Pukui 1979: 68). However, in the dictionary (Elbert & Pukui 1986: 45), the same form is glossed as ‘same as ho‘āpuka.’ Fortunately, for this entry a full example is given, which I repeat here in (94), where I include glosses and a literal translation in addition to the biblical translation given in the text. In (94), the relevant form appears in a passivized relative clause, with the sole argument (outside the relative clause) being ka waiwai ‘the wealth.’ Given that this clause is passivized, an additional argument is suppressed, meaning that, from this evidence, ha-‘āpuka only has two arguments (i.e. if it were in active voice), and does not have causer-causee argument structure.
- (94)
- E
- pres
- hele
- become
- li‘ili‘i
- little
- ka
- the
- waiwai
- wealth
- i
- that
- ha-‘āpuka
- caus-swindle
- wale
- easily
- ‘ia.
- pass
- ‘Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished.’
- [Lit. ≈ Wealth that is easily swindled becomes diminished.]
From this, in conjunction with corpus search on the dictionary, I conclude that only ho‘o- forms can have causer-causee argument structure. This argument-structural property of ho‘o-, in conjunction with its productivity and transparent semantics, is predicted by a model in which ho‘o- is an outer valency-increasing allomorph, where it functions similarly to other examples of outer-domain causatives (see e.g. Folli & Harley (2005), Pylkkänen (2008) and Harley (2017)).
At this point, the analysis developed thus far provides a formal model for the observed properties of the morphemes under discussion (both the causatives and nominalizers). The following section will present further evidence for this proposal, illustrating the interaction of vcaus with nominalization. The interaction of ho‘o- and ha‘a- with nominalizing morphology suggests the same analysis of inner and outer domain allomorphy discussed above.
5 Interaction of nominalizers and valency increasers
The data on nominalization, discussed in section 2, illustrates that -na and ‘ana can be fruitfully analyzed in terms of outer and inner attachment, such that -na is an inner, or root-attached, allomorph of n, whereas ‘ana selects a larger structure, namely vP. In this section, I argue that the Distributed Morphology approach to inner versus outer attachment offers a minimally stipulated analysis when considering the interaction of nominalizers and causatives. In particular, there is no restriction on the distribution of ho‘o- (and its phonologically conditioned allomorphs) with respect to -na and ‘ana. In contrast, corpus searching shows that ha‘a- (and its phonologically conditioned allomorphs) does not co-occur with -na, which is expected if both are ha‘a- and -na are root-selecting morphemes.
Given the analysis developed here thus far, it would be expected that ‘ana co-occurs with both ho‘o- and ha‘a-, as both valency increasers occur within vP, while ‘ana selects vP. This prediction is borne out by examples such as (8), in which ho‘o- co-occurs with ‘ana, such that the entire ho‘o-verb unit (along with the associated arguments) is nominalized. (95) illustrates a similar pattern of data, this time with a ha‘a- prefixed verb.
- (95)
- lākou
- their
- ha‘a-nui
- cause-brag
- ‘ana
- nom
- ma
- prep
- ka
- the
- mea
- thing
- lapuwale
- vain
- ‘their speaking great swelling words of vanity’
Ho‘o- also co-occurs with -na. In (96), for example, the verb ‘to pray in chant’ is nominzalized with -na, deriving the noun ‘priest.’ Under this analysis, cyclic n attaches to the root directly in (96b), meaning that, properly speaking, the root (not verb) is nominalized. When valency is increased by the addition of ho‘o- to the nominalized form, the meaning of the nominalized form is verbalized, meaning ‘to ordain a priest’ (96c), suggesting that -na is a closer or earlier attachment as compared to ho‘o-. Within the theory pursued here, this is evidence that -na is an inner or root-attached morpheme, deriving a somewhat idiosyncratic meaning. For example, given the range of meanings associated with -na nominalized forms, it seems possible, though counter-to-fact, that (96b) could have meanings such as ‘prayer’ or ‘(lay) worshipper’ – the actual interpretation further illustrates the unpredictable nature of -na affixed forms. Example (97) illustrates the same pattern of data; according to Elbert & Pukui (1986), (97c), but not (97a) can have the meaning ‘to know,’ which references the meaning of the -na derived nominal.
- (96)
- a.
- kahu ‘to pray in chant’
- b.
- kahu-na ‘priest’
- c.
- ho‘o-kahu-na ‘to ordain a kahuna’
- (97)
- a.
- ‘ike ‘to see’
- b.
- ‘ike-na ‘view, seeing, knowing’
- c.
- ho-‘ike-na ‘to see, know’
Corpus searching on Elbert & Pukui (1986) reveals an interesting gap, namely that -na nominalized forms do not co-occur with ha‘a- (or any of its phonologically conditioned allomorphs). In order to search the corpus, regular expression searching was used to find all forms that meet the following two conditions: i) beginning with ha‘a- or any of its phonologically conditioned allomorphs, and ii) also ending with -na, searching the entire (text normalized) dictionary, including headwords and all examples. Because this search included all words beginning with the common sequence ha, one of the allomorphs of ha‘a-, 117 results were found (including headwords and any duplicates in examples). However, cross-checking the results with the dictionary revealed that none of the results include the relevant morphemes (i.e. the results included forms beginning with the sequence ha, though none of these sequences were ha‘a- allomorphs).
For example, the only result of the corpus search beginning with ha‘a- and ending with na is ha‘awina (‘lesson, assignment, task, gift’), which is treated as monomorphemic in the dictionary (both in the entry for the lemma and in the absence of any root wina or wi). As another example, the search also found hanaina (‘feeding’), which is indeed a nominalization with -na, but with the monomorphemic root hānai (‘to feed; to foster’).13
At the same time, the gap in the corpus cannot be explained by a general rule forbidding the co-occurrence of valency-related suffixes with the prefix ha‘a-. Hawaiian data with the passive suffix illustrate that ha‘a- as well as ho‘o- can co-occur with the passive affix. The passive in Hawaiian is complicated, as the language has both a passive affix and, separately, a more common free particle passive, sometimes both appearing in the same sentence.14 Here, I only consider the suffix passive, -Cia. Elbert & Pukui (1979) label this suffix as ‘passive/imperative;’ while I only consider passive uses here, I retain their original gloss in the following examples.
To illustrate this affix, consider (98), in which the root takes the inner causative allomorph (98b) and then both the inner causative prefix and the passive suffix in (98c), the latter of which is illustrated in a sentence by (98d). A passive form built from wa‘a can also take the outer causative ho‘o- as in (98e), where the alternate passive suffix -lia is present, in which the meaning of the base is visible as compared with the inner causative allomorph form in (98b).
- (98)
- a.
- wa‘a ‘canoe, trench’
- b.
- ‘ā-wa‘a ‘long, narrow excavation; to dig a ditch or furrow’
- c.
- ‘ā-wa‘a-hia (pas/imp. of āwa‘a)
- d.
- Papaioa
- long.reef
- ‘ā-wa‘a-hia
- caus-trench-pass
- ka
- the
- lani
- high.chief
- ‘the high chief is a furrowed reef’ (chant)
- e.
- ho‘o-wa‘a-lia ‘to be dug out’
At the same time, a similar data set appears in (99), with the key difference being that ho‘o-, which I have argued to be the outer causative allomorph, co-occurs with the passive suffix (-Cia). Along similar lines, the base lele (discussed above in connection with (48)) can take the inner causative allomorph ha‘a- in conjunction with the passive suffix, as in (100).
- (99)
- a.
- ala ‘path; (intransitive) to waken, stay awake; (intransitive) to arise, get up’
- b.
- ala-hia (pas/imp. of ala)
- c.
- ho‘-āla-hia ‘to awaken; wakefulness; insomnia’
- d.
- I
- at
- ka
- the
- hiki
- coming
- ho‘-āla-hia
- caus-awaken-pass
- nei
- dir
- lā,
- time,
- ē
- imp
- ala
- waken
- mai
- dir
- ‘oe
- you
- ‘the time to be awakened comes, awake’ (prayer)
- (100)
- a.
- lele (intransitive verb) ‘to fly, jump, to rush out, as to attack; to disembark …’
- b.
- ha‘a-lele-a (pas/imp. of ha‘alelea)
The examples with the passive suffix illustrate that both ho‘o- and the forms that I have argued to be inner vcaus forms (‘ā-, ha‘a-) co-occur with the passive suffix -Cia, unlike the apparent restriction on inner vcaus forms with the inner n allomorph -na; in other words, there is no general prohibition on the co-occurrence of a valency-related suffix (such as the passive) with either causative prefix. Within the analysis developed here, this makes sense given that the passive selects vP, and not a root directly. While there is no restriction on multiple ‘outer’ affixation, yielding forms with the structure ho‘o-root-Cia, the passive does not compete for root attachment with the inner allomorph of vcaus either, allowing forms such as ha‘a-root-Cia as well.
In the context of this data, it is striking that the dictionary reveals an absence of -na nominalized forms that also include ha‘a- (and its phonologically conditioned allomorphs), given the prevalence of -na nominalizations involving ho‘o- (and its phonologically conditioned allomorphs). This pattern of data, however, has a ready explanation given the analysis thus far. Specifically, both -na and ha‘a- are root-selecting allomorphs of their respective underlying morphemes (nominalization and valency increase, respectively). Since there is only one root-selecting position within the Distributed Morphology framework adopted here, this corpus gap is the predicted state of affairs, insofar as only one of ha‘a- or -na can select the root. Under the analysis of Elbert & Pukui (1979), in which ho‘o- and ha‘a- are separate morphemes, these corpus results must be stipulated.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, I have pursued two parallel goals. One of these goals involves the morphological analysis of two valency related domains in Hawaiian. With respect to the causative, I argued that a set of surface forms, including ho‘o-, ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā-, are allomorphs of one underlying morpheme. This analysis, if on track, represents a new understanding of this data set, insofar as the primary prior analysis, Elbert & Pukui (1979), presents ho‘o- as being a distinct morpheme. Likewise, I argued that the nominalizers ‘ana, a free particle, and the suffix -na are also allomorphs of one underlying nominalizing morpheme.
In both domains, the crucial difference between the surface forms is related to whether or not the underlying morpheme is local to the root, also known as the inner or root-selecting domain. Both nominalizer -na and the set of causatives ha‘a-, ‘ā-, and kā- have similar properties, such as yielding potentially idiosyncratic interpretations and being root-adjacent. The forms that realize the outer, non-local position in the word structure also share properties; the causative prefix ho‘o- and nominalizer ‘ana are semantically transparent and more productive.
The second goal of this paper is to pursue a morpho-syntactic analysis of these data, according to which word formation is understood in terms of syntactic principles. Within the Distributed Morphology framework, this approach entails that word formation is part of the syntax, and not understood as a process that happens in a separate structure-building component of the lexicon (see e.g. (Alexiadou 2009; Arad 2003; Harley 2008; Pylkkänen 2008), among others). Evidence for this approach includes corpus results showing an absence of forms that include both the inner nominalizing allomorph (the suffix -na) and the inner causative allomorph (the prefix ha‘a-). Under the approach adopted here, the gap in the corpus is expected, and follows from general principles of morpho-syntactic structure, insofar as only one allomorph can select the root.
I would like to thank three Glossa reviewers for their helpful comments on this work. I would additionally like to thank audiences at the 34th annual meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, the 23rd annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, the 43rd annual Generative Linguistics in the Old World colloquium, and at the University of Kentucky. I also thank Matthew Tyler, as well as Kenneth Cook and Sharon Klein, who made invaluable comments on earlier versions of this work.
Competing interests
The author has no competing interests to declare.
- The files can be obtained at the following web address: http://www.ulukau.org/elib/cgi-bin/library?c=ped. These files were then converted to a text file via the Python package Pyth (Hogger 2015) in order to perform regular expression search over the entire dictionary. [^]
- Other nominalizing processes include zero derivation, reduplication, which is rare as a nominalizer, and non-productive suffixes -hana and -lana. These non-productive suffixes, along with the two nominalizers discussed in detail here, -na and ‘ana, likely derive from the same Proto-Polynesian form (Chung 1973). [^]
- The possessive is marked with either the a possessive or o possessive, which is thought to mark ‘dominant’ versus ‘subordinate’ possession; these forms are contrasted in (8), ko‘u not ka‘u, and (9), a not o, such that a-possession reflects possessor agency while o-possession does not. See Wilson (1976) and Medeiros (2020) for more details on this possessive alternation in Hawaiian (which is a feature of Eastern Polynesian languages more generally), as well as (Elbert & Pukui 1979: 141) for discussion of example 9. The key point here is that the possessive alternation behaves as expected for nominalized forms as it does in other contexts. [^]
- A reviewer points out a similar analysis of French re- due to Sportiche (2012), in which the interpretation of this element depends on its position within the verbal structure. [^]
- A preliminary analysis, which includes much of the data in this subsection, was originally presented in Medeiros (2017). [^]
- I am glossing i as an object marker here. The same i is sometimes glossed as a preposition (as it has prepositional uses beyond object marking, and it also introduces indirect objects, as in (38b)); the analysis does not depend on this distinction. [^]
- Elbert & Pukui (1979; 1986) also note that ha‘a, when prefixed to certain adjectives, and in particular color adjectives, can have the meaning ‘-ish’ or ‘somewhat,’ as in ‘ele ‘black’ versus hā-‘ele ‘blackish.’ A reviewer notes that this may be expected as a type of simulative meaning along the lines of (41). [^]
- These semantic differences are reflected as well in the organization of Elbert & Pukui’s dictionary (Elbert & Pukui 1986). In their work, they include ho‘o- prefixed forms under the headword of the root (e.g. ho‘o-lele is part of the entry for lele). In contrast, ha‘a- prefixed forms have their own entry. [^]
- One complication for a few of the ‘causative/simulative’ kā-prefixed forms is that they are nouns; however Elbert & Pukui (1979: 69), describe some of these as “extremely common,” for example kā-ma‘a ‘sandals,’ from ma‘a, ‘to tie.’ Given their description as common forms, I will set these aside as either zero-nominalized or lexicalized exceptions. [^]
- Elbert & Pukui (1979) confirm this reading, citing an earlier version of Hawkins (1979). [^]
- Tyler (2023) examines non-valency increasing causatives from a cross-linguistic perspective, adopting aspects of Bruening (2013)’s analysis of passives. I refer the reader to this paper for additional details of this construction and thank Matthew Tyler for discussion of these examples. [^]
- A question which remains open concerns why the deliberative reading is associated with transitive verbs. For example, Hawkins (1979) cites the contrast between (i) and (ii), in which the derived form of the intransitive has a simulative reading, whereas the derived form of the transitive has the deliberative interpretation. In the framework pursued here, both the intransitive and transitive versions of ‘hide’ should involve the same v head, as the intransitive entry is unergative (and not unaccusative). Whether the explanation for the difference in ho‘o- derived forms should implicate the morpho-syntax or the semantics is unclear to me. Nevertheless, in both (ib) and (iib), v intervenes structurally between the valency increasing morpheme and the root, resulting in the outer allomorph selection.
- (i)
- (a)
- pe‘e (intransitive) ‘to hide oneself’
- (b)
- ho‘o-pe‘e ‘to hide or pretend to hide’ [ vcaus [ v [ pe‘e ]]]
- (ii)
- (a)
- hūnā (transitive) ‘to hide’
- (b)
- ho‘o-hūnā ‘to hide deliberately’ [ vcaus [ v [ hūnā ]]]
- Note that, as discussed in connection with (4), the vowel length change for this example is typically of nominalizations with -na. [^]
- See e.g. Chung & Seiter (1980) for discussion of the passive in Polynesian and its potential implication for the case marking split within Polynesian. [^]
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